Chapter Fifteen

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A month after their unofficial yet official breakup, April was feeling sick. Constantly running to the bathroom every 15 minutes to throw up. Her mood swings were everywhere and she had a very short temper. Her forehead was always burning.

On the third day of her 'sickness' Christian approached her after she had left the bathroom.

"Are you ... ?"


"Oua loi (don't lie)"

"Maybe I have a cold or something. I'll go, doctors, tomorrow"

"And I'll come wth you" Christian squeezed his sister's shoulder.

Tomorrow came around too quick for April. She was awoken by her brother who was already ready for her appointment.

"It's too early" she debated

"Mums at bingo . I've scheduled an appointment for 11, it's 9:30. Should give you enough time to have a shower and get ready " Chris whacked April with a pillow to make sure she was fully awake.

April groaned rolling out of bed and to the bathroom . When she was out , Christian had prepared a very fancy 5 star bowl of fruit loops . Lol the only thing the boy could make.

"Should I ring him... ?" - Chris

"Don't ring anyone please . Especially not him. This is our secret" April squeezed her brother's shoulder. She didn't want anyone to think she was .... expecting. April didn't even want to believe she's expecting. Once she finished eating and was dressed, they exited the house and made their way to town.

Thirty minutes later and they were inside the doctor's office.

"Are you sexually active?" - dr

Christian stared straight at his sister who was feeling uncomfortable.

"Um... yes" - April

Christians eyes widened as he put two and two together. The doctor left the room and came back with a small bottle and gave April instructions to pee in it then return for results.

Two hours later the doctor came back with results.

"You're pregnant" the doctor smiled. April started crying and hugged her brother who was also shedding a few tears. They were both over the moon from the news.

"I'm going to be an uncle ??" - Chris


"Let's go tell him"

"No. I'm still mad"

"A , you know Roger more than anyone would want a child. And he's sorry about what happened"

"Chris, I just found out I'm having a child. I don't want to stress over-"

"Your baby's father ?"

"Please drop it"

Christian remained silent for the rest of the trip home. By the time they got home, their mother was already back from bingo and resting. Well, it's now or never.

"Mum?" April sat at the foot of her bed, Christian sat on the opposite side.


"I'm pregnant"

Aprils mother started crying as she embraced her two kids in a hug. She thought the day would never come. The thought of finally having a grandchild was overwhelming. Although she didn't approve of sex before marriage, she knew she could trust Roger & April with something so important. Besides gaining a grandchild sweetened the bruise left behind from losing a child.

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