Chapter 67 - Gabriel POV

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Chapter 67 – Gabriel POV

After explaining to Jack he took Chelsea easily, looking down at her wistfully, he really needed to get his mate; I wasn't going soft though, just being practical. McKenna Davis was too far away from Jack for him to be any use to Chelsea.

I went to Angel, when I was a good two feet away I stopped, went to her level, "Angel," I started in a soft tone, not wanting to frighten the poor thing, having been in her head various times I knew that she spooked easily.

"My name is Gabriel. Okay. The girl right there," I pointed to Chelsea, "She is my mate. I'm not sure how much you understand but I am just like you. I'm a black wolf. Bad people, they took Chelsea from home. I couldn't find her but then I heard you talking about your home. Good Rusty, Becca, Catalena..." I watched and listened as she picked her head up, whimpering at the names I said.

Trying, I thought of something different, "I cannot read your mind now but if you allow me to bite you, I will then hear what you are thinking in this form, okay?" I waited, knowing that her wolf was able to speak to her.

"I will be able to hear your thoughts Angel, I'll be your Alpha, and keep you safe, keep your babies safe," more waiting and I could see her body shaking minutely.

"Safe Angel, you are safe now. You will be going to my house, to be safe, protected, babies will be safe, Angel will be safe," I repeated until I decided to use what I had heard from before.

"I'm like you, a black dog," I said waiting again, "white dog," I pointed to her, "black dog," I pointed back to myself running thru it at least four more times before I slowly stood, moved away and began undressing, not really thinking until Angel started to shake and whimper.

"Crap," I muttered under my breath, she probably thought I would – no I was going to hurt her, which wasn't my intention at all.

"Safe. I won't hurt you Angel," I said strongly, never once breaking eye contact, as I removed my last stitch of clothing. Shifting hurriedly, I fell to all fours and waited for Angel to make the next move. She was still whimpering, even when she decidedly chose to come closer.

I could read her eyes, the fear was obvious but there was this understanding developing slowly as she examined me. When her front paw was close enough I bit down swiftly holding until I could feel that moment where someone knew was physically trying to join the bond. Instead of attacking like any other female wolf, Angel just pulled her paw away, howling.

I lifted by big black head, cocking it to meet Declans eyes, as he just gazed down at Angel in total sympathy, shaking his head. Within seconds of that, I was able to hear her thoughts.

Gabriel hurt Angel! She whined in her head. Shifting back to my human form, dressing quickly I went to sit near Angel.

"Yes, I hurt you, but now I can hear what you are thinking in your head," I replied, listening to her.

Hear Angel? She questioned and I heard another voice answer her. Yes, we are in his pack and safe her wolf answered. Thinking back I remembered my time like Angel, when I was a young boy, maybe four or five, really hearing Max, it was frightening and I had known all along what I was, I could only imagine being her age and not having that, knowing that only to shift so late. By the pictures we saw in the Davis home, Angel was grown and had never shifted. Taking a risk I decided to answer her earlier question over the link as well. I only want to help you Angel, she whined, but her wolf encouraged her to calm down and relax, it wasn't food for the babies.


Yes... listen to the heartbeats Alpha

"She's having more than one child," I said a loud.

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