Chapter 83 - Russell POV

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Chapter 83 – Russell POV

Two months. That was the requirement Chelsea and Gabriel had. Wait two months and decide after that time whether or not I would be changed into a wolf. I didn't need two months, that wasn't in my nature. They thought I was rushing, not aware of what I was getting myself into but I did. I found Angel nearly dead, her life wilting away. I was gone for less than an hour and someone – or maybe a group – had entered our home, and took her away from me. 'I – you don't have to be changed for you to be with Angel,' Chelsea told me.

My response came as naturally as breathing, 'No, you're right I don't, but to protect not just her but my children as well I should be changed.' I wasn't going to rush into a romance or anything with Angel, I could see my love changing for her, but I – I also felt like without holding myself back, I would impede her progress. Give her one more thing to worry about when she was learning, speaking finally but also she was a parent. A good parent, caring but that shouldn't have surprised me. Angel had lots of love to give and to see her with them, my heart clenched and stomach flipped weirdly whenever I saw her giving them nourishment from her body.

When I found her, she didn't have that or anything left to give of herself, this was a milestone for her and each time I thought about Amara wanting to take her child, to nurture as her own, I fumed.

At the moment I couldn't be around Darren nor could I be near Vanessa, the two of them seemed to be blind and treating Angel harshly. In turn, their behavior was irritating well... Dana, McKenna, Thayer... everyone.

The two wanted me to visit Amara, but I held strong refusing, "Russ! Russ! Are you listening to me?!" McKenna waved her hand in front of my face, snapping.

Shaking my head, "sorry what were you saying?" I asked sheepishly.

"Amara. I was saying what happened..."

Amara had finally woken up, more lucid than any of times when family went to visit and McKenna was there.

She eyed before continuing, "She woke up and she was looking around the room, her hand went down to her stomach and she looked up at us. Smiling. Watery eyes, smiling. I gave dad a side glance because it was just – just too crazy – weird." I paid better attention now.

"Smiling? Happily?" she just lost a child.

"She asked where your babies were, if you were with them, could we call you or a nurse so you could bring them to see her," it wasn't funny, not in the least. However McKenna's facial expressions were seriously comical.

"Mom and I couldn't even meet her eyes, because honestly she – I could only compare her behavior as when Dana gave birth to Cody. So Darren stupid as fucking always, instead of just telling her the truth asks her 'what babies?' can you believe that?" she shook her head in disgust, tsking.

"She answers, 'Russell and mine, they were so beautiful, we saw them right when we got off the helicopter,' dad stepped forward to correct her you know? But Darren glared, 'Why weren't the babies on the helicopter with us?' he continued," my eyes were wide, what was Darren playing at.

"Amara says, 'Angel took our babies, but we found them, now Russell and I can be together. Has Sana seen the babies yet?' she just – it was just so – mom stood and left the room-"

"And – and no one thought to correct this bullshit?" I asked harshly.

McKenna winced, "It was just – the smiling and her words, it's – she needs help," the words whispered.

"Finally Thayer had enough, and he just told her the truth, she kept whispering and shaking her head back and forth, and gasping for air the next, they sedated her and we came straight back here," her eyes full of worry.

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