Chapter 69 - Gabriel POV

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Chapter 69 – Gabriel POV

As I watched Sera, I thought of Ava... of Katie... of the little girl that Chelsea was... fear... she looked down, and we could no longer see her face, but we could observe as her tiny shoulders shook, still there was no sniffling, no crying sounds... she cried silently. That oddly brought an ache to my heart. What you child cried silently? Held in the extra pain to not make a single sound? I hated the answer I came up with, one that was scolded for crying or thought it would be best to not show emotion. I held Chelsea closer, flexing my arms, "Mhmm" I hear and it startles me some.

I pulled my head away looking down, wanting to check her face but her soft delicate hands are now holding onto my shirt and soon Chelsea buried herself, her face into my chest, burrowing as if trying to force her head into my sternum. My chest expanded, "I've got your sweetheart," I whisper softly and she calms, stills. Pride fills me unexpectedly. My voice has the ability to calm her, she feels protected in my arms. I exhale again, tightening my hold. I really regret nothing I did to get her back. She's where she belongs. In my arms. Safe. And I know that I'll do anything to make her happy. Not because she's my mate, but because once again I know inside that making her happy, makes me happy.

Pulling my attention, "Is – is the new Alpha nice?" Sera whispered, I look up as she's ringing her hands on the table in front of her. They're shaking, and she lifts her head to look at the speaker. There's a look of terror and sadness that's there but shouldn't, it's all too much for her young face. But she was brave... they all were... I hoped they knew that.

Despite her sister telling her to leave, she could have stayed, afraid of the unknown, but she chose to come. She was braver than she knew, and I made a note to mention that when she was at the house.

"He – he won't – won't hurt us like – like... Alpha- Alpha M-Monet?" she whispered shuddering, eyes beseeching. Drawn with dark circles that didn't look right, she looked like a racoon.

"Well... I think your new Alpha is kind; his mate is nice as well. They have a daughter, she's only five years old though... but Alpha Gabriel won't hurt you or your sisters..." the voice answered and Sera looked away again.

"Can we stay together? Thana, Sasha and Iliana and I... we can all share a room right? We brought our sleeping bags?" Sera asked again hopeful. Sleeping bags? Really?

"I'm not sure," the voice said and Sera frowned but still nodded. Shaking my head in disbelief I rested back, Chelsea in my arms, I sighed, nothing was going as planned. Despite going with my gut about these girls I had a small dilemma. Where or how to room all the new children? I thought deeply, dropping my head down to Chelsea's hair, inhaling the vanilla and cocoa, instantly soothing my rolling thoughts. Chelsea would wake up and we would decide this together...





"Alpha... Alpha..." I heard from the same guy in Marx pack, assuming he was talking to Marx, but when Jack began waving his hands and nodded at the same guy, I looked, "Oh... sorry..." I didn't know his name.

"Ralph," he offered.


"I was just wondering if you were doing this with the boys houses as well?" there was something there in his voice, I cocked my head to the side, "Yes, the homes in Montana and North Carolina," Ralph nodded.

"Good," he replied turning away again looking outside, I flicked my eyes over to Marx... 'Not my story to tell,' was all his face said, I was curious though, "Do you have a relative there in one of either home?"

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