Chapter 37

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A/N: Not Edited... and I sorta raced to type it up so I'm sure there are more mistakes than normal, I apologize a head of time.

Chapter 37 (Chelsea POV)

When the wicker basket touched down, the two men, Danny and Frank approached us, “How was the ride?” Danny asked.

As animatedly and unlike me as possible, “It was breathtaking, amazing!” I gushed, smiling at Gabriel who was back to his blank face self. It made me smile more.



I sat in the passenger side thinking to myself, wishing for things to just remain as they were right now; I liked getting to see a different side to my mate. I sighed, wished this date didn’t have to end just yet.

“Hey, miss sigh-a-lot, who said this date was over?” he teased me.

“I said that out loud?” I asked turning my body towards him, his right hand attached to my left, both now wedged between my thighs.

He gave a small squeeze, “No I was listening to your thoughts, you had your wall down…”

“Oh… well I hope you know now that nothing you plan will ever top that ride…” I said playfully.

“You can stop trying…” he said smirking, eyes on the road.

“What?” I reply innocently.

“Don’t what me… I know what you’re doing. You’ve done it many times already. Now I know why. You push buttons, frame questions and dig deep mate. I thought it was either out of stupidity or lack of respect. Now I know that you can read anyone’s mind but only what they are thinking at the very moment. And you were just doing that. So stop, I’m not going to tell you willingly or coerced,” his lip twitching, I huffed as he drove silently to the next place, which for all I knew could be home.



It wasn’t.

Instead it was a newly constructed city block of tall buildings a few short ones and one large parking complex, the entire thing still fenced. We entered underground, and there were two cars following us, and the other two were actually parked but empty.

“What is this place?” I asked when we got out; Gabriel seemed to be unsettled, more so now than before.

“This is where we are going to be having dinner,” he answered not looking at me, pulling me along towards an elevator.

“You are the very first person to know about this place, aside from construction workers and such, we will talk over dinner,” he said pushing the button labeled ‘G.” Looking at the numbers I saw it went all the way up to 30 before stopping, and on the other side of the elevator were numbers and a key slot.

“What is this place? What are the letters for?” I asked Mr. Impassive.

Sighing he turned to me, “The letters are for the residential floors while the numbers are for the hotel, Casino, groceries, pool, bar, restaurant, indoor children’s center, small boutiques, drug store, available rooms… ballroom, gym…” he tapered off.

“I don’t understand…”

“I own this Chelsea. I’ve been creating this for almost three years; meticulously deciding where I wanted this to go… what it would look like, everything. It was… costly but as of right now construction is complete…” he replied as the elevator came to a halt, the doors opening we stepped off, and turning straight to a corridor of sorts. A man in a black suit, was standing near a booth type desk, welcomed us.

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