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Chapter 90 – Elder Caelum POV

(Five days after the shooting)

Everyone in their pack was boarding that plane, we were finally going to get our control back, it would've been better if that little white wolf had led us to everything we – I – needed, but that was just the price we were willing to pay before she uncovered everything. I sat back watching the twenty screens in front of me, the one from the Gavino hanger that housed their private planes showing me Tallon approaching Gabriel.

The recorder picking up the questions, "Gabriel surely you can understand your father wanting to board this plane – he is family after all, will you refuse him now?" Tallon asked; George and Mina standing next to him.

"Now they want to be on our level? Fuck them! Nona died and it took ya'll nearly two days to come see her, now you wanna be on us? Don't hold your fucking breath-"

Mina and George needed to be on that plane, George was becoming too much of a wild card. "Don't speak to your mother like that Gabriel-"

"You don't talk to me George, lying pack of shit," Gabriel spat in disgust; I leaned to the screen focusing on this heated discussion, he had been away out from underneath us, immune to our controlling methods. Asking questions he never had before, all because of that white wolf. The Gavino family was going to make us rise in power not just in the shifter community but humans as well, we didn't order the hits but that didn't mean we weren't going to use this in our favor. Pass up this golden opportunity.

Mina looking at her son in confusion, "Gabriel... I don't like the man you've become," she weeps cradling her stomach.

"You let him make me this way," he said looking at his mother impassively, "all the goddamn lies mom... I'm not you, I'm not going to sit so close and pretend his shit don't stink."


He holds his hands up to silence her, "Mom who is Katie's father?"

"What do you mean Gabriel? You – your father is her's..." that slip. Lie.

Gabriel shook his head, scoffing, "Fine... you've said she is dad's, but you know the truth, who. Do. You. Know. Is Katie's father?"

Mina side glanced at George; "We wanted to protect you Gabriel... people would be coming after her if they knew she was your child..." Mina sobbed, Tallon quirked an eyebrow.

Gabriel laughed mechanically, before just stopping abruptly, "Mom, Katie isn't my daughter... I was away on training when she would have been conceived and I wasn't fucking anyone then. Katie isn't mine."

Mina's eyes widened as she avoided eye contact with Gabriel, "Of course she's yours... you have that connection with her, you were – your wolf knew Gabriel... could feel that bond."

"Bond? Bond?" he asked incredulously, "this coming from – rich. George isn't even your mate, now you want to talk about a different bond?"

"Let me tell you about your bond with George, he never marked you so I don't know whose mark that is on your neck but it ain't Georges'. I wasn't sharing a fatherly bond with Katie; I was looking after her because George treated her like shit. At this rate – with his views – I'm surprised he doesn't have more women banging at the gate to see him about some more damn kids."

Arms crossed he wasn't finished, "Bond between parent and a child? Fuck that. Samuel is the one that blew up your office," when Mina gasps, I growl, "don't fret Elder Caelum, he will be gone soon," Elder Ethel calmed me.

"You have no proof of that!" George shouted in outrage, while Mina shook her head from side to side in disbelief. Not too much though, they were under my control.

Another mechanical laugh comes from Gabriel's mouth, "Right - Chelsea handed you information on Rian and she's still alive, I wouldn't bother searching or giving you proof George, that shit don't matter to you. It didn't when you killed Rian's grandmother and child from wrong info, it don't matter now-"

"Might I interrupt," Tallon starts, "you wouldn't have anything to do with the killing of Rian, Gavan and Brady Madden now would you Gabriel?" Gabriel did it. All of them. Gone. No proof but we know.

"Was it slow and torturous?" Gabriel asked dryly, bored, disrespectful, goading Tallon but we were smarter.

"We don't know Gabriel... only the person that killed them would know what came before their death," Gabriel shrugged, "good fucking riddance."

"Bottom line, they aren't coming with us – they'll take their own fucking plane," Gabriel said walking away as a large black bus pulls up and pulls his mate out, still on machines and loads her onto his personal plane. Her hands resting on her stomach, I zero in on her finger and am unable to see the ring – the Ether ring.

"She isn't wearing the ring-"

"We will retrieve it after..." Elder Thierry answers absentmindedly, now as we all watch their end, eyes glued to the screen, learning just how close Gabriel and his little mate had gotten to undermining all our plans.

We watch, smiles on our faces, as Gabriel's plane heads down the strip, slowly lifting into the air while George's pack of sheep followed him to his own plane. Not wanting to get caught Tallon doesn't stand to watch the well oiled plan we had set come to life, while we watched here carefully.

It's beautiful; we are joyful as we watch the screens. Destruction happening all at once.

In California, the plane that just took off explodes loudly in the sky.

In Turin, Italy, the home owned by Sabastian Gavino is no more.

In Naples, Italy, that home is destroyed.

In Florence, Italy, that home demolished.

And so it continues, in Sicily, Lombardy, Verona, Messina each and every home they have collapses to dust.

On different screens, all properties owned by Gabriel, Sabastian, Chelsea or anyone in that pack is decimated, whether in England or China, all at once. Gabriel thought he was so brilliant, he showed his hand too soon. Much too soon.

He may have gotten on that plane for show, but we were no fools, he wouldn't keep his mate on such a long plane ride. Stupid boy, no matter what home he went to, if he was using his gift, none would be alive.

I chuckle at the sheep cowering, some running to see the pieces of the plane fall to the ground, shrieking – a loud wail coming from Mina. I mute the sound turning to face the other Elders, I smirk in satisfaction.

"You all know what needs to happen now, we have things to do, roles to play, now more than ever," I say, standing the others following my lead, each leaving while behind me devastation is muted and Chelsea Hobbs and Gabriel Gavino are no more.



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