Chapter 45

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a/n: short and not edited, I'm off to bed.

Chapter 45 - unconditional, until it's not (Jay POV)

The black truck drives away, but not before inflicting the most damage and confirming what many had said were true all along. I watch my son, stand in front of my - my - I don't know what to call her. Not anymore, she was my wife and I had changed her but now with more pieces I wasn't sure I wanted to even figure out the puzzle. Live blindly and pretend that none of this had just happened, that words weren't said? I watched the last piece I had of my mate drive away, and it hurt almost, nearly as bad as when my Anya left.

Forced to leave you mean, Exel my wolf corrected, he was forever a wolf torn in two pieces. Having claimed a human for our mate, I sentenced him to a life of half living. Half craving, half empty, half torn. He would never be fulfilled and at his full potential without Anya, his true mate. He mourned her secretly, howled for when free.

He had never agreed, but Rian was already pregnant, scared and alone, in need of shelter. Needing that because of our decisions, unexpected outcomes, Ames. Pregnant with a Were-Child, she would be slaughtered even by her own father, who views our kind as an abomination. So I was left with no choice, but now in hindsight, it made sense, things became clearer.

I turned to my - my - to Rian, her stepping back as Luna Mina circled her prey. Ames guarding his mother, gazing at me beseechingly, "Dad you can't actually believe anything that killer just said, nothing has changed." He spoke with bravado, and although I welcomed his opinion on many topics, this was not one of them. Until he has walked my shoe and had to give up his mate, his chosen one, he wouldn't be able to fully comprehend how profoundly disturbing it was to find out a woman that claimed to love me had other priorities. From the very beginning. And now the more she pleaded, the angier I got. 

Chelsea may have forced Rian to answer... but her answers finally matched the behavior. She had a deep hatred for Audrey, I thought it was because of my indiscretions but now Chelsea forced the truth out. 

"Daddy do something!" Madeline cried. 



"Luna!" Ames exclaimed, as black crashed over her eyes, transforming polite kind eyes, into the blackest, deepest waters.

"She- she made me say all those things... you, you Jay are my family! Please... please tell me you believe me, not her, she's angry Jay. This is just revenge for her mother, but we aren't to blame, no one, Jay. Luna, Alpha," Rian turned to them, the tears falling rapidly now.

But I no longer believe that, I saw the truth, and I was torn in two. Chelsea was able to do many things I am guessing but what I doubt she could do is control anyone's eyes. The eyes are the most expressive, someone could be wearing a smile, however if the eyes didn't match, it was easy to tell.

Rian knew of that ring, and she could try to talk and plead with everyone that Chelsea controlled her, but her eyes, betrayed her. When she saw it on Chelseas finger... I may not be her true mate but after 23 years I could read her facial expressions.

Wolf had been right all along, she had killed his mate for the ring. Then, when Laura, his mate wasn't wearing it, she thought since I was older, it would surely have been with me. But Wolf had convinced me when she first came around that it had been destroyed. But it hadn't, in fact the Fifth Elemental Ring - Quintessence - currently resided on my daughter's third finger.

And I would do whatever it took to make sure that Rians father never laid his hand on it.

I was in my very own rock and hard place; I turned to Rian, "Was any of it real?" I asked hoping for her to say yes, but dreading that very same answer would negate it all.

"I have no idea what she's talking about Jay, I swear on our children's lives, whatever I said, she made me do it... she dangerous," Rian crooned.

"Honey go inside... scarlet take your mother in," George pleaded with his round pregnant wife.

"No! Absolutely not George!" Luna Mina shouted; spit flying from her mouth, her eyes on Rian, wanting death. Thinking quickly, the security men near us seemed like the best hope.

"Take Rian down to the cellars!" I said strictly, avoiding Rian's gaze, or the devastation in my children's eyes.

The men looked to George who gave them a nod, approving my order as I walked away from everyone, I didn't know what the fuck I was going to do, but first I needed time.

'You're an idiot.' Yes... yes you are, Exel thought. I didn't argue. I avoid the stares of everyone, especially Sabastian Gavino, he saw through Rian all along.

I was furious... but only at myself.

Unknown # 2 POV

I sat at my desk, watching the video feed, furious that I had no sound, my girl sitting on my lap, watching together. "How did she get them to put down their weapons?" she asked, her voice instantly turning me on, but I override those lustful thoughts concentrating, wondering what she was as well.

It was bizarre to say the least... these men, powerful, with serious artillery just laid their pieces on the ground, "Do... are they shaking to you?" I said examining the scene.

"Yeah, notice how their teeth are gritting... I don't..." she said, not finishing, as I rested back angrily, furious that I couldn't see more. Leaning I call in Aron and David. I turn the feed off, waiting for them.

"You called boss?" David said when they arrived, shutting the door behind them, I pull the draw to my right open waiting.

"I thought I asked for sound and different camera angles?" I say eerily calm, and both of their eyes harden.

I know that David was just look out, but his body tenses, his eyes never facing Aron, "Ya, ya you did, but we didn't ha-" I took the Beretta 92FS pulling the trigger, cutting Aron off.

Gun still in my hand I use it to point to David, "Get him the fuck outta here," I order, putting my piece back.

As David pulled the corpse from my office, I started making changes, fucking happy I hadn't rejected my mate, I'd need to use her. Chelsea was more powerful that anyone had realized.


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