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Aria POV

"GET HERE YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH!" Jake yelled from the living room,
I quickly scurried into the room where Jake was,
"Jake?" I asked
"GET THAT STUPID BABY OUT OF MY ROOM!" Jake screamed making Daisy cry, Jake always thought that Daisy was his child but little did he know it was someone's who I would much rather be with now, Ezra.

I grabbed Daisy and pulled her close to my chest so she would stop crying 'sorry' I mouthed at Jake so that I wouldn't wake my nearly sleeping 2 year old, I walked up the stairs to her nursery and sat in the rocking chair so I could feed her the bottle. As she opened her ice blue eyes i couldn't help but think of Ezra and how I would much rather be with him right now.

When Daisy finally fell asleep I laid her in her crib and Walked into Jake and I's bedroom so I could take a shower, I didn't want to be with Jake. He hurts me and forces me into things that I don't want to do but he threatened me that if I told anyone that he would hurt Daisy and I would never let anything happen to her.

As I entered the bathroom I locked the door and waited for the shower to warm up, I could hear Jake screaming at the television and prayed that he wouldn't wake Daisy up when I was in the shower because he would sort her out, and it wouldn't be pretty.

I got changed into some denim skinny jeans, a floaty white vest shirt and some burgundy converse, when Daisy woke up I was going to take her on a walk to the park and meet Em, Hanna and Spence they all adored Daisy and spoiled her rotten!

As I walked down the stairs Jake must of heard me because he screamed at me "WHERES MY LUNCH?" I hated it when Jake screamed, I felt worthless like I meant nothing to him but I probably didn't anyway.

I ran into the kitchen and quickly made Jake a chicken sandwich with some crisps and I also made Daisy some crackers and grapes as she loved the weird combination, I made myself a normal sandwich and scurried into the living room to give Jake his lunch, he snatched it off me and flicked his finger at me indicating that I Should leave the room, I hated being with Jake.

When the girls arrived I let them through and went upstairs to get Daisy, I could hear Jake acting all nice to them, if only they knew what he was really like, to me, to Daisy and what he actually said about them behind their backs then I'm sure they wouldn't be speaking to him.

When I brought Daisy downstairs I sat her in her high chair and she stared to eat her lunch, I had already eaten mine so I was just taking to the girls. "Ooh Aria before I forget I was in a toy shop the other day and saw this and had to get it for my favourite niece!" Hanna squealed as she handed me a gorgeous pink elephant with a patterned skin and a bow above its ears, the girls were so supportive of me throughout my pregnancy even though I was just 18 at the time.

"Thank you Han! She'll love it so much! And just remember she's your only niece!" We all laughed and with that I strapped Daisy into her pushchair so she could see the outdoors and handed her her new teddy, I said goodbye to Jake and gave him a kiss which meant absolutely nothing to me, we all walked out the door and stopped at the brew, Daisy was getting really agitated and didn't want to come into the coffee shop and wait for us to get our drinks, so the girls took her to the park whilst I got our hot beverages.

When I walked in all the lights were off and there were no staff, I turned around and started to walk out the door when I heard a faint voice, "Aria?" They questioned, I knew that voice way to well, it's Ezra.

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