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*WARNING! There are some scenes in this chapter which young viewers may Find inappropriate, also signs of trigger warning*

Aria POV:
When we got back to the place that I am supposed to call home, I ran inside and into the kitchen, i quickly got some pasta out of the cupboards and chucked it into a pan of boiling water, in scared.
I have only been late home once before and Jake hurt me so much, it was like I was an annoying piece of dirt on the bottom of his shoe.

Jake walked into the kitchen so I scurried over to Daisy and picked her up and put her on my hip, I tickled her stomach Causing her to giggle, "WHY ARE YOU LATE?" Jake scorched
"I'm so sorry Jake, we lost track of time and remember I asked you not to speak to me like that in front of my daughter!"
I quickly ran up the stairs to get Daisy changed into her Pyjamas, when we reached her nursery I just cried into my hands, Daisy held me tight and said, "mummy, remember what you said, Jake can't hurt us when we are at home and this house might not be home but home is when we are together, home is where the heart is and the person you feel safe with, mummy, I'm here and I won't let meanie Jake hurt us!" She gently rubbed my back
"Daisy-grace, I love you so very much never forget that, I promise that I will always keep you safe and that we won't have to come back here soon, I love you so so so much!" I kissed her cheek gently and cradled her in my arms.

After Daisy was bathed and changed into her pyjamas we ate dinner, and as usual, me and Daisy in the dining room and Jake in the living room.

After dinner I took my sleepy 2 year old up to her bedroom and rocked her to sleep, I loved her so much and I would make sure that Jake never laid a finger on her! I watched her peacefully sleeping for another 10 minutes before I had to go down and clean the dishes, when I walked into the kitchen, Jake was waiting for me behind the door.

He grabbed me by the neck and pulled me up to the wall, "ARIA YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ARE LATE AND LIE TO ME SO SHUT UP YOU BITCH." Jake boomed
I flinched as Jake turned me around and slapped my back as hard as he could, he burned my Wrists and kicked me multiple times on my head and stomach, please someone save me.

After kicking and punching me to the ground, he dragged me by the hair up the stairs leaving multiple burns up my ugly body, he, he raped me.
"This is disgusting aria, this is not what I Asked for!" He said with anger
"I'm..... Im- I'm sorry!" I cried "Jake please stop your really hurting me!"
"Oh aria, you should know this by now, I won't stop unless I want to!" He cackled

Jake carried on torturing my body for around another 45 minutes until he slapped me around the face and lied on his side facing away from me, I grabbed a pillow and ran into my daughters nursery, I cried and cried, what did I do to deserve this!

I ran into the bathroom and threw up what felt like my insides, why does he choose me, then I saw his razor on the side, I pressed it down on my skin, one for Jake, 2 for Ezra, 3 for not keeping Daisy safe, 4 for being a disgrace and 5 for being late home, I tiptoed back to Daisy's room and sobbed, please, someone save me from this hell hole!

That's when I saw my phone, I picked it up and Dailed in the only number I know of by heart, after 2 chimes of the Phone, they picked up, I cried as I heard their voice, "E- E- Ezra!" I cried even louder "help me" I screamed

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