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Aria POV:
I woke up this morning feeling a little bit better, more confident about my pregnancy, mainly because when I opened my eyes my small family were all huddled together like a nest of birds on a cold winters day. I snuck out of the tightly compact nest and tip toed into the bathroom. just as I was about to brush my teeth, my head was automatically directed to the toilet and I threw up, one of the perks of pregnancy. My hair was being tied backs and small, gentle rubs on my back began, it was Ezra. I leaned back into his embrace and we sat there for a minute "'aria, i love you but I'm not gonna Kiss you properly when you've just thrown up" he hair disgustedly as he scrunched his face. We both burst out laughing and went in our separate directions.

About an hour later I went to drop Daisy off at her new Pre school, "Daisy?" I called from the kitchen
"I'm hiding you have to find me!" She giggled
I sighed and tip toed into the living room where I found her behind the sofa
"Come on munchkin, you don't want to be late!" I exaggerated
"I want to go see Millie!" She said enthusiastically
And with that we both hopped into the car and drove to pre school.

As I walked through to front door to my house I texted The girls and asked them to come over,
Aria - girl talk? My house? Xx
Hanna - OMG!!! I'm in!! I'll be there in 10 xx
Emily - yeah sure, I might be late though I'm coaching a swim class Xx
Spencer - you don't even need to ask!! I'm On my way! Xx
Alison - I'm in town this week, can I come? Xx
Aria - yeah that's fine Em, Ali, your one of my best friends of course you can come!! Xxx

I pottered around the house to make sure it was slightly clean for when the girls come, just as I was about to stand up to get some water there were three knocks on the door.
"Hey Han, come on in"
"I want every detail, and I mean EVERY!!"
"Ok" I laughed "let's wait for the others
The other girls all showed up at the same time, even Emily.
"So, aria?" Spencer hinted
"Guys... I'm pregnant again!" I said with the widest grin
There was a harmony of 'awes' and I hugged all my friends.
"How long" Emily asked
"Only 6 weeks, I'm not meant to be telling you but I couldn't keep It to myself" we all laughed
"It better be a girl." Hanna said bluntly
"Why" we laughed
"Because then... I CAN TAKE IT SHOPPING!" She smiled widely

I was in the kitchen getting snacks and beverages for my friends when I got a text,
Sorry babe, I'm going to be late home today. I have loads of marking, I love you xxxxx -Ezra
I frowned at my screen and carried in the snacks, Ezra never works late I thought to myself.

The girls noticed my change of mood and asked me what was wrong "oh nothing, just Ezra's late back tonight"
"Ow, is aria going to miss her bed buddy?" Hanna smirked
"It's not like that" I smiled

I told the girls that they could either leave or stay but I have to go and pick Daisy up, they said they would leave because they have to go and do some errands.

When I picked Daisy up from Pre school she was talking to me about her day and How she really wants Millie to come for a play one day, which I agreed to.

I served up dinner for daily and I, Ezra still wasn't home and I was getting worried. After putting Daisy to be I sat on the sofa buying my nails, where was he?

3 hours later Ezra walked through the door with tears in his eyes, he look happy and sad at the same time? "Ezra? Babe, what happened I know you haven't been working!" I said sternly
"Aria, I don't know how to tell you this but-" Ezra trembled
"Great! Your breaking up with you pregnant girlfriend and daughter that's only just came into you life!" I sarcastically smiled
"No aria!" Ezra shouted
"What then!!" I screamed
"It's Nicole."

Soulmates  ~ Aria and EzraOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant