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"Nicole, as in died in Thailand Nicole?" I trembled
"Yes aria who else is there called Nicole" Ezra said sarcastically
"What about her?" I worried
"She's, she's alive" Ezra looked down
"So let me guess, your leaving me, for her." I cried
"No Aria, I'm trying to sort out this problem, and I love you, but I never broke things off with her." He closed his lips
"That's it, I'm sleeping on the sofa tonight and by tomorrow, you can go back to Nicole!" I fake smiled
"Aria no! Just bear with me!" He pleased
"Ezra, im not waiting for someone flag doesn't know what they want!" I sobbed
I walked into Daisy's room and crept into her bed, I'm not sleeping on the sofa, I want Daisy with me. I quietly sobbed myself to sleep and then drifted off.

The next morning I woke up and it was 9:00 am, Ezra was at work, I wasn't taking Daisy to pre school today, we would pack our stuff and go to the flat I had for every time Jake didn't want us around him.

When we arrived we un packed our thins and Daisy went into her bedroom to play, a call went through to my phone and I checked the caller ID to see if it was Ezra, fortunately not. It was Spencer.
A- Hey Spence, what's up?
S- I called round your house but you weren't there, I need to talk to you face to face
A- oh I'm at Daisy and I's flat, I need a bit of sparia aswell, come round
S- why are you there?
A- I'll explain when you get here
S- okay I'm on my way, love you
A- love you too
Daisy ran into the Kitchen, "mama Im hungry"
"It is your lunch time, I'll make you a sandwich" I said
"Yay!" She said enthusiastically
"Auntie Spencer will be round soon so you have to sit on the sofa" I explained
"Okayyyyy!" She shouted
I laughed at her and she ran off. I handed her her sandwich and Spencer knocked on the door.
"Hey" said Spencer
"Hey, what up?" I asked confused
"Aria, can we sit down" she shivered
"Sure" I raised a brow

As we sat down at the table Spencer burst into tears and buried her head into my neck.
"Spencer tell me what's wrong!"
"Aria, I'm pregnant"
"That's a good thing!"
"Yeah but I'm young still, and I'm not saying you aren't but my parents aren't so supportive" she cried " and you have an amazing boyfriend"
"About that"
"Aria, what about Ezra?"
"I don't know, but I think I left him yesterday"
"What why!!"
"Nicole is alive and he couldn't choose between us"
"OMG aria that's so bad!!"
"I know"
"I have to go but just know I love you and I'm here for you"
"I love you more"
And with that, she left. I was really hoping Ezra would call, or text, I wanted to hear from him no matter how much I hated him right now.
I stared at my phone for around ten minutes until a notification can up "ten percent battery left" I sighed and went to grab my phone charger, that's when I realised I left it by the site of my bed, at Ezra's, I had to go and get it otherwise I wouldn't revive his messages.

I put Daisy in the car and we drove round to his house, I quickly unlocked the door with my key trying not to draw attention to myself. I carried Daisy on my hip and tip toed into his bedroom, on the bed sat Ezra and Nicole hand in hand watching my favourite movie, the notebook.
"I'm sorry I forgot something." I said bluntly
"Umm yeah thats fine" his eyes widened
"DADDYYY!!!" Daisy screeched
"Hello baby!" Ezra replied
"Why don't I live here anymore" Daisy frowned
"Because daddy can't make up his mind" I fake smiled
"Aria don't be like that!" Ezra rolled his eyes
"Like what? It's clear to see you've moved on since yesterday!" I shouted
"Aria! You left me if you remember!" Ezra shouted back
"I did not leave you, I told you to make your decision, you either stay with me, you pregnant girlfriend and 3 year old child, or you go back to.. her." I said disgustedly
"You're pregnant?" Nicole butted in
"Yes, i am and it's mine and Ezra second child, ive had both of them since you've been gone so Ezra obviously moved on quite quick! " i said angrily
"Ezra, I have to leave, I'm not coming between you and your kids and I'm not ready to be with someone with kids!" Nicole left
When Nicole left I grabbed my charger and started walking out the room
"Aria" Ezra said sternly
"Go into the other room baby" I said to Daisy
"I didn't mean for any of this to happen I swear it" he shook
"And Ezra, you didn't give me an answer. I love you so frickin much you don't even know and you repay me like this?" I cried
"I love you too. And I really want to be with you but I don't see you ever giving me another chance" he stood like a statue
"We'll have to see how time plans out, I will forgive you it could be tomorrow, it could be next week but I will and you will have to wait if you love me that much" I said bluntly
"I will wait, I will get my life together and be waiting for you, I love you."
I grabbed Daisy and we walked out the house, shyly smiling to myself.

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