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Ezra POV:

Some part of me knew, however the other half of me thought I was being stupid, I can't believe it. I mean I'm so happy that she's my daughter. Actually I'm more than happy, I'm so content.

"Ezra, would you like to spend time with Daisy by yourself, I'll go to my parents house?" Aria queried
"Ummm, are you sure you trust me?" I doubted
"Ezra, how long have I known you? I would trust you with my life" she smiled
God, I was falling in love with her even more every minute, shall I tell her?

Aria just left to let Daisy and I have some alone time, "Ezra? Can I please have a drink?" Daisy questioned
"Of course young lady" I handed her her drink
"Thank you!" She squeaked.

After hours of playing puzzles and children's games, we started to play tag. However she started to hide, maybe the game was changing, so I chased her around the scratched leather sofa and chucked her into my arms, I tickled her constantly as small chuckles escaped her heart shaped lips, her mouth and laughs were almost identical to Aria.

We played around for the next 15 minutes where there was continuous laughing and screaming going on until aria walked through the door, "hey baby!" Aria screeched
"Mummy! Help me Ezra's ticking me!" She laughed
"Oh no! Quickly run away from the tickle monster!" she said with a smile

Aria POV

When I walked through the familiar door and heard the giggles, I smiled to myself and my heart was fixed together knowing that the two people I love most are enjoying each others company and laughing together.

I sat on the scratched sofa when my large iPhone rang, the text message was from a very angry Jake and it read:
'If I don't hear from you by tomorrow, when I see you, you won't know what's coming for you and that brat of yours, i hate you, Aria Montgomery.'
However Ezra saw my emotion dramatically change and came to comfort me
"Aria, what just happened?" He asked
I just handed him the message on my phone and let him read the message for himself.
He hugged me right and promised me that everything would be just fine.

Later that night when Daisy was In bed, Ezra and I talked about how we would tell Daisy, so we decided that tomorrow we would go out to a fun farm park and tell her when we got back, she would be happy, after all she would have just had a whole day of being spoilt and having fun and she already adored Ezra, what could go wrong?

"Aria, there's one more thing I wanted to talk about, what are we?" Ezra questioned
"Good question, I don't know, I mean I'm with Jake but I'd rather not be, and, I-I-I never stopped loving you" I stalled
"The feeling is mutual" Ezra smirked
And with that the gap in between us was filled, the kiss was passionate, full of desperation and love, hunger and passion. I hadn't been kissed like this in a long time and the fact that it was with Ezra was even better.

The Long kiss turned into a long needed make out session, Ezra caressed my neck with small little kisses whilst I combed my fingers through his knotty hair, "I love you aria" Ezra quoted
"I love you too"

Sorry for the short and long wanted chapter! I had an English exam and had to finish it!

Soulmates  ~ Aria and EzraWhere stories live. Discover now