Trust in me (4)

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Alexia's POV

"He survived the shot."

I was frozen in place with a weird emotion. I didn't know if it was relief, joy, uncertainty, or a mix of all 3. But, he was shot in the chest.

I don't know what possessed me to do what I did. But I launched myself upwards and into Jackson's arms. He hasn't killed my father, and I was grateful. I could tell Jackson was instantly surprised but wrapped his arms around my back nonetheless.

"H...he's alive!" I cried into Jackson's shoulder.

"Yes he is." Jackson whispered and Tyler awkwardly cleared his throat.

I jumped off of Jackson but he sorta growled from his throat and yanked me back into his chest. I let out a surprised yelp. I placed my hands on his chest and tried shoving back but he had a death grip on me. I suddenly felt alarmed.

"Let me finish my story. Jacob was getting intel on why Mr.Conners couldn't pay up his debt. Turns out he and his family are poor. Like, down in the dumps poor. Like can't even afford-"

"We get it! My family's poor!" I half shouted and Jackson just stood there.

"Anyways, he also found a news article that must of been printed on your long drive back here. It's about Ian Conners, who's wife and son found his unconscious body in the living room and Called 911 on the phone. The bullet had miraculously just missed his heart and since his wife and son found him in time, he didn't bleed out." Tyler finished and it was like music to my ears.

"Good, I didn't want to kill him in the first place." Jackson stated firmly and I gazed up at him but his gaze was still pointed towards Tyler. Tyler gave him a weird look and shrugged.

"Okay... Whatever Jackson." Tyler said uneasily before going back downstairs. Jackson picked me back up bridal style but this time I didn't kick and scream. Instead I just relaxed. Not because I trusted him. But because I was so damn relieved to hear my father was still alive that I didn't care about anything in this moment.

Hearing that my father was alive released a huge weight off my shoulders and I felt alive again.

As for Jackson... He still shot my father. But there was this pull towards him that was unexplainable and uncontrollable. When we were in contact little sparks danced across my skin. His name send a chill down my spine and I couldn't help but smile now. But he also let off a cold hearted vibe that made me want to curl up and fade away.

"Alexia, do you trust me?" Jackson asked suddenly and I tensed up. I wiggled around in his grasp slightly.

The truth is, I wasn't sure. Everything in my head was telling me to trust him but he was a Mafia leader that shot my dad. My heart also screamed at me no.

I let out a shaky breath and nodded a small nod.

"I think so." I whispered, lying straight through my teeth but he didn't seem convinced. "Until you trust me, your freedom will be taken away. Once you trust in me, I can trust in you and you'll get your freedom." Jackson said casually and my jaw dropped.

"My f...freedom?" I stammered and he nodded. We walked up another flight of stairs and down a hall. He stopped in front of a large white door before opening it and walking in.

It was a large room with a king sized bed with dark red sheets and covers. The pillows were black with red accents. The walls were a reddish-black color and there was a black wooden desk on the opposite side of the room as the bed. I saw 2 doors, one I'm assuming was a closet and the other a bathroom. There was a balcony door to the right which I saw the sun low in the sky. How long was the car ride?

Jackson placed me on my feet and closed the door, making me uneasy.

"Is this your room?" I asked turning around to look at everything.

"No, it's our room." Jackson said from behind me. I turned around to look at him.

Bad mistake.

The second I turned around, Jackson shoved me on to the bed and began to hungrily kiss me. I was shocked to say the least and I kept my eyes wide open.

I felt Jackson swipe his tongue across my lip, asking for access. I denied him, feeling violated but it also felt so right. Sparks were flying through my whole body. But then again, my heart was screaming at me to get him off of me.

Jackson grunted at my denial and wrapped his hands around my thighs, reaching up and squeezing my butt. I gasped, allowing him to slip his tongue into my mouth and he explored every inch of it. I ran out f breath so I pulled away, gasping for air but Jackson just trailed kisses down my jaw and neck. I tried shoving him off of me but he wouldn't budge. He was sucking and nipping at my sensitive skin, causing me to moan unexpectedly. I felt him smirk against my skin but he continued with his hot trail of kisses.

"S....stop." I begged, but Jackson just smirked against my neck before pulling away, looking at me.

He then raised my hands above my head and started fiddling with my wrists. Then, before I was able to look up at what he was doing, he smashed his lips back on to mine.

I felt his hands then start to roam my body but something was still holding my hands in place above me.

I pulled my head away and looked at where my hands were. HE HANDCUFFED ME TO THE HEADBOARD!

I squealed and began to squirm around.

"Babe you better stop if you want to keep your clothes on." Jackson whispered huskily and I stopped squirming around. But when his hands brushed against my breast again, I squirmed once again.

Suddenly, Jackson jumped off of me, taking deep breaths. He quickly uncuffed my wrists and ran his hands through his hair.

"I had to, in order to keep myself under control." He whispered, more to himself than to me.

I was flustered beyond flustered. I felt my cheeks were on fire and that I was blankly staring at Jackson.

"I trust you." I whispered, surprised at myself for even saying that. It just slipped out. But I knew I didn't trust him. He needed to believe that I did for my plan to work...

He looked down at me still laying on the bed and smiled. Chills shot up my spine. I shouldn't be here. I have to leave. Soon.

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