Coma *filler*

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(A/N) Hey hey hey thank you guys for understanding why I was gone for so long. You are the best! Do you think we can get this book to 200K reads??? I know you can do it. Thx babes. Stay slayin💞💞


Alexia's POV

"Dad isn't doing well, Lexi."

I stared blankly at Sam, brushing my palms against my knees. My stomach flipped but I felt as if I knew deep down he wasn't.

"I want to see him." I demanded to my brother who closed his eyes and sighed.

"I knew you would say that." He replied, reopening his eyes and grabbing my hand, pulling it in front of me.

"Lex-" Sam started, his eyes glossing over. My stomach dropped. Something was up.

"What. What's wrong. Is he okay, he's alive right?" I frantically shot out questions to my brother and squeezed my hand tighter.

"Mom didn't tell you over the phone because she didn't want you to freak out before you got here. But dad, well, he's in a coma."

I paused.

Everything paused.

Just as sam's had, I felt my eyes gloss over.

My heart clenched and my stomach flipped over again and again and again.

My knees felt weak.

A coma? No. That can't be. How is he in a coma? Why me? Why him? Why us? He can't be in a coma. This is just a joke. This isn't real. Someone pinch me.


Sam wrapped his arms gently around me and rested his chin atop my head. I felt tears shamelessly slip down my cheeks and splatter to the floor, some catching on to Sam's shirt.

"Lex he would want us to stay strong so you know that's what we have to do. I know it's hard and god knows the hell you just went through for for him... it's best." Sam soothed as he tightened his grip on me.

"And no matter what happens or happened, I love you sis. I really don't know what I would do without you. I mean, you're my baby sister and it's my job to protect you. I'm sorry I couldn-"

"Sam. You're my big brother. I love you so much and you have nothing to be sorry about. Okay?" I pulled back from his grip and looked him in the eyes.

He smiled through his watery eyes and pulled me back into a hug. We shared a comfortable silence as I let everything just process in my brain.

"Hey, your mom ordered pizza. She says to come eat." Caden said as he popped his head into the back room my brother and I had migrated to when he told me he needed to tell me something.

"Okay, be right there." I called back and pulled away from Sam again.

"Stay strong?" Sam asked and put his hand out.

I linked fingers with my brother's and sighed.


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