*Filler* (21)

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Alexia's POV

The phone call whipped by. I knew we couldn't talk forever, no matter how much I wanted to.

I just missed them so much and wanted to see them after everything happened.

Everything happens for a reason but I truly wanted to know the universe's reasoning behind letting me get kidnapped, kidnapped again, escaping, getting kidnapped for a third time, escaping and ending up here with Caden and Margarette, not having seen my family in god knows how long now.

I handed the phone back to Margarette and thanked her for the millionth time. I couldn't believe the chances of her knowing my parents. I wonder if we've met before, even if I didn't remember.

"...so?" Caden asked and raised one eyebrow.

I smiled back and looked down at the floor. "How can I ever repay you guys?"

Margarette smiled and took my hands in hers. "Just promise one thing." She started, looking me straight in the eyes. I noticed the light as it reflected off her light brown eyes. It made her look younger.

"Anything." I replied and raised my eyebrows, waiting for her response.

"Try to be more careful and remember to stay safe, dear. And that you need to always know that Caden and I will always be here for you, anything you need."

I locked eye contact a moment longer before throwing my arms over her shoulders.

"Thank You thank you thank you Margarette. You don't understand how much this means to me. I don't know how you can be so giving and generous." I started rambling, tears flowing down my cheeks once again.

"Darling, it's nothing really."

I smiled again and pulled back, turning to Caden. I immediately ran up to him and hugged him as tight as possible.

"Thank You Caden. For everything." I whispered as he wrapped his arms around my back as well.

"Don't mention it." He replied.

I felt Caden loosen his grip, allowing me to pull away. I looked up at him for a second before turning back around.

I glanced between Margarette and Caden.

"So..." I started, a small smile growing on my face. "What now?"

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