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Quick a/n babessss thank you sooo effing much for the love and support on this book. I didn't realize that so many of you wanted this book to continue. Votes and reads we're going down so I thought it was time to stop the book. But you guys kept me going and I can't thank you enoughhhh. 😘😘 on with the book with the long awaited chapter (sorry bout that)


Alexia's POV

I paused.

Everything in my body told me to shoot forward and embrace my mom. Everything in my mind, my heart, urged me to sprint into her awaiting arms as she made her way to me. But before I could decide anything else, I was lifted off the ground, strong arms tightly secured around me. I tensed up.

"I missed you."

Release tension.


My much smaller, much weaker, arms wrapped around my brother as I felt my mom join the embrace. My eyes instinctively shut. Mu grip instinctively tightened. My lips instinctively curved. After what felt like forever, I was right where I was supposed to be.

"Alex! I can't believe you''re..... it's you!" Sam scrambled to find the right words as he pulled away from the embrace and set me every so delicately back on my own two feet.

"It's me." I found myself laughing and smiling as tears free-fell down my face. Margarette and Caden had ventured their way into the salon and found their place seated in the waiting chairs. I smiled over at them and silently mouthed 'thank you'. Margarette grinned and looked down, locking her hand with Caden's and looking back up.

I pulled back from my mom and cleared my throat.

"Mom. I think there's someone you should talk to. Margarette?" I waved her over and my mom let out a muffled cry of joy, hand covering her mouth, tears streaming down her face.

"Maria-" Margarette started to say as she stood up, releasing Caden's hand but was cut off by my mom's embrace.

"Grazie, Margarette!" My mother exclaimed in her Italian accent.

Memories flooded my brain of Jackson, how he spoke often in his Italian language. My vision blurred and I stumbled over to the right. I caught my balance and rubbed my eyes.

No. No thinking about him.

I cleared my throat and walked over to Caden, taking a seat next to him.

"I truly don't know how to repay you and your mom. What you guys did for me ... it's too good to be true and I don't think I could ever thank you enough." I sighed, blurting everything out in one breath.

"You do seem to apologize a lot." Caden joked and I chuckled, looked down at my feet.

Caden bumped my shoulder so I looked back up at him, my eyes locking with his captivating blue ones. I never had the chance to look closely at him. But I found the longer I stared at his blue and golden eyes, the more drawn I felt to him.

"I don't know how you can repay my mother. Besides, of course, what she said back at the house." Caden have a small, almost nervous smile. "But, you could repay me by maybe going on a da-"

"Alexia!" Caden was cut off by my mother exclaiming my name and everyone else snapping their heads up to look at where the loud voice came from, including me.

"Come here dear."

I stood up but was stopped by Caden grabbing my hand.


"We'll talk after. Okay? I promise. Sorry. I expected today to be hectic." I promised and gave him a reassuring smile. I saw him smile back and he released my hand, letting drop to my side.

I looked back up and locked eye contact wth him once more and I swear, my heart beat got faster.


Ooooh what's going on with Caden and Lexi???

Tell me what you guys thought of this chapter!!

Sorry for it being kinda short :/

But heyyy I finally updated 😊🤤

Thank you so much for reading and I'll try to be more active. I love you guys so much and stay slayin😘😛

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