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"It's okay, Lancelot. Put it down." Merlin told Roxy who held her gun towards Eggsy and Clover, both of which had their hands up. "It's verified." As soon as they'd seen the countdown, the pair had rushed to Merlin. She lowered the gun. "Arthur's phone is receiving update texts about getting to safety - we don't have a lot of time."

"What are you gonna do?" Eggsy asked.

"Question is, what are we gonna do?" He corrected. "God know who's in Valentine's pocket and who's not. We have no choice." Merlin concluded. "We're gonna have to deal with this ourselves. Follow me," Eggsy, Roxy and Clover looked around at each other before following him to the plane. Well, Clover thought, Now's as good a time as any to work out whether I'm ready for Kingsman or not.


"The fuck is this?" Eggsy questioned, holding what looked to be a yellow robotic sort of arm in his hands. He began to move the control sick frantically, seeing if it'd do anything.

"I have no idea." Roxy answered.

"What you're playing with," Merlin began, coming from the cockpit. "Is a prototype personal trans-atmospherical vehicle. It was developed as part of Reagan's Star Wars project. It's pretty basic, but...it should still work."

"Why do we need it?" Clover inquired.

"We're gonna take out one of Valentine's satellites." Merlin answered her. "We're going to break the chain, stop the signal. It'll take him a couple of hours to reroute it, which buys us enough time for you two," He said looking at Clover and Eggsy, "To get me into Valentine's mainframe so I can shut it down." Eggsy and I glanced at each other before nodding. "Lancelot, you're going to be using it. Get into your halo suit." Roxy nodded.


"It seems the implant can emit some kind of counter signal to ensure the wearer remains unaffected by the waves from the SIM cards." Merlin mumbled as he looked at the chip from Arthur under a magnifying glass.

"The waves that turn everyone into a psycho killer." Eggsy said.

"Quite." Merlin agreed. "But what he probably didn't tell anyone is it can also super-heat their soft tissue at his command. Valentine selected his chosen few to get the countdown warning, but he had to be sure they didn't blab to the wrong people beforehand." He explained.

"With all due respect Merlin," Clover began, "How does this even help us?" He looked up.

"It doesn't." He answered and stood. "Roxy!" He called through the plane. "Here we go!"


Clover and Eggsy bunched together like penguins in the freezing cold. They'd landed the plane on some mountain and strapped Rox up to the trans-atmospherical vehicle which now had two huge, silver balloons floating above it, billowing in the wind. Eggsy wrapped his arms around Clover's shoulders from behind, trying to warm them both up. She reached up and held his arms with her cold fingers.

"The higher your go, the more the balloons expand." Merlin told Roxy, walking over to stand in front of her, the snow crunching under his feet. "When you reach the edge of the atmosphere, they'll explode." Clover couldn't help but think he could have used a less violent word like 'pop' or something. "You'll need to deploy your missile before that, okay?"

"The edge of the atmosphere." Roxy repeated to herself.

"Once you've deployed, you'll need to release for decent fast." He rubbed his hands together. "Good luck."

Clover and Eggsy moved towards Roxy, each grabbing one hand as she began to move up. "Roxy, my sweet summer child, you can do this." Clover assured her teasingly, trying to lighten up the mood and she nodded with a small smile.

Clover ☓ Eggsy UnwinWhere stories live. Discover now