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Clover groaned, her rolling her neck, wincing against the bright lights behind her lids and at the pounding in her head. "Glad you could join us, Princess."

The brunette finally opened her eyes, jumping back in the chair she was zip-tied to when she found herself face to face with the Cowboy, his green eyes glowing with mischief. "Your mother seems to have taught you everything except personal space it appears," She grumbled and he chuckled, moving back to lean himself against a small ledge that was perched in front a creamy wall that looked almost like glass. She looked around and saw Merlin to her left and Eggsy to her right, both also tied to their respective chairs.

"A bottle in a secret wall...You really expect me to take that seriously?" The man said, drawing Clover's attention back to him, "See, I think your story's horse shit. Y'all just trying to cover for a failed rescue mission."

"What on Earth would we be rescuing in America?" Clover asked with a tilt of her head, her eyes squinting at him in confusion.

"You here for the lepidopterist, ain't you?" The trio looked between each other, bewilderment clear on their faces and Clover didn't think she could be any more confused. Cowboy watched them for a moment, his own head tilting slightly before deciding to move on. "Okay, so your mystery bottle, huh?" He reach over to the table on his right, "Look anything like that, right there?" He brandished the bottle, holding it to the trio.

"Yes. Same brand, much older," Eggsy told him firmly and Clover could hear him getting frustrated with the situation.

"All right," The Cowboy opened the bottle, putting it up to his nose to smell, "Let's see here..." He threw the cap to the ground and began to step closer to the Kinsgman agents, walking behind them. "You know why the measurement of alcohol content's called 'proof'?"

He began pouring the alcohol on the laps of them. Eggsy immediately tensed up, yelling, "Oh, fuck off!" Then he moved onto Clover who grimaced and shifted uncomfortably, though she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of a reaction. The man finally moved to Merlin, "Oh, for Pete's sake."

The Cowboy moved back in front of them, "See, comes from back in the old days... when pirates wanted to test the strength of their rum. They used to pour a little bit out on gunpowder." He took a sip of the drink, wincing as it slipped down his throat. He exhaled and looked to Eggsy, "That'll make you wanna slap your mama right there, boy." The man then quickly turned to Clover with his best attempt at a charming smile, "Of course she ain't raised me like that though." 

He continued with his story as she rolled her eyes, "If the gunpowder burnt when they set it alight...they considered it proof... that their rum was good and strong." He began flinging more of the whiskey into their laps before walking back to the wall. "But see, I ain't got no gunpowder on me, do I?" He asked rhetorically, placing the whiskey bottle on the small ledge. "But I'm pretty sure you boys and girls'll make just as impressive of a sound...when I light y'all up." The man had pulled out a lighter and flicked it on. 

Merlin chuckled softly. Eggsy smirked, maintaining his cocky facade and Clover did her best to look unimpressed, though she could feel nerves bunching up in her stomach. They were a long way from home and a long way from anyone who could help, with no back up. "Or you could just tell me who the fuck y'all really are...and how the hell y'all found us."

"Look, for the last time," Merlin spoke up, "We have nothing to protect but our honour. So you can take your cheap horse piss that you call whiskey...which, by the way, is spelled without an 'e'...and is nothing compared to a single malt scotch..." Eggsy nodded proudly at him while Clover hung her head slightly, knowing that he could've just ruined any chances they had of getting out unscathed. "And you can go fuck yourself." Eggsy chuckled and Clover couldn't help the small smile that made it's way on her face, though she ducked her head further to hide it. 

Clover ☓ Eggsy UnwinWhere stories live. Discover now