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The plane ride to Italy had given Clover enough time to simmer down. Of course, she was still upset about Harry coming and Eggsy's comment. Because while Eggsy may have meant it as a compliment it completely undermined her own skill. What hurt was the fact that someone she loved and cared for, who she figured thought highly of her, overlooked her abilities and focused only on what she offered in the looks department. She would expect that kind of comment from a target or even other agents with misogynistic views but never from Eggsy. While Clover sat alone, staring out the window of the jet, Eggsy sat by Harry's side watching on with a look not dissimilar to that of a kicked puppy.

Harry glanced between the two before saying, "You understand why she's hurt, yes? And not just because I'm coming."

Eggsy sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "Yeah, I meant it as a compliment or even a joke."

"I thought I taught you to think before you speak?" Harry quirked a brow.

"Guess that's another thing I've fucked up today."

The older man rolled his eyes and put down the newspaper he had been reading, "She may be angry but she's hurt more than anything. You need to go over and apologise otherwise nothing will be fixed. And, speaking from personal experience, you don't want words like those being the last ones you say to her if something goes wrong during the mission." 

Harry smiled sadly at Eggsy, remembering how disappointed he'd been with Clover before he left for Kentucky. His last thoughts as he laid on the ground, bleeding, were of how upset she was. He regretted more than anything not telling Clover he loved her before walking out of that door and he would never want Eggsy to make the same mistake. 

He nodded pointedly to Clover and Eggsy took in a deep breath before moving to the back of the jet to sit next to Clover who barely acknowledged him other that a small glance in his direction. HIs leg bounced anxiously, trying to decide what to say but Clover beat him to the punch, "It's okay-"

She began but Eggsy was quick to interrupt her, shaking his head as he shuffled closer to her, "But it's not...It's really not. I hurt you twice in one conversation, Clove. That's not okay and I just...really want you to know how sorry I am, because I am. I'm so sorry, Clover."

"Eggsy," She smiled softly at him, resting a hand on his fidgeting leg, "It's alright."

The boy sighed and shook his head once again, "I shouldn't have chalked you up to just being beautiful, which don't get me wrong, you are. You're probably the most beautiful woman I've ever seen...but you're also the most skilled woman I've ever seen. You're an amazing spy, babe, better than I ever could be-"

"Hey," She warned, "You're amazing, too. Don't put yourself down to bring someone else up."

He smiled warmly at her and put his hand atop hers that was resting on his leg, "You're right but I'm still nowhere near as good as you. You're more than your good looks and I'm so sorry for sayin' otherwise." She grinned at him and leant over, planting a gentle kiss on his lips, one that he was quick to reciprocate, tucking her hair behind her ear as they pulled apart. "I'm also sorry for inviting Harry, I know you're worried he's gonna get hurt but I just think he could be really useful to us."

"I know," Clover said, "I can understand why you'd want to bring him, he's an amazing asset regardless of his fighting capabilities, I just worry he'll get hurt. He could have helped from the Statesman with Merlin and Ginger. I'm scared of what will happen to him on the field."

Eggsy nodded in understanding, "It'll be okay," He reassured her, "We won't let anything happen to him, I promise."

Clover smiled at him and lifted up the arm of the seat before snuggling into Eggsy's chest. "Thank you so much," She whispered, "Not only for reassuring me but for apologising...it means a lot to me."

Clover ☓ Eggsy UnwinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora