Chapter 19

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  **Edited by krisgree***

“The Rented Husband”

2011 © All Rights Reserved

Chapter 19

                Olivia peered over at Brody whose attention seemed to be solely focused on the changing numbers above the door as the elevator made its descent.  She wasn't sure what to think about him.  He could be as stubborn as a mule sometimes, with his autocratic chin and alpha male attitude.   But then there were those times that he would do something out of character and blow her mind.

                The way that he stood up to her father back in the room put him in a whole new perspective in Olivia's eyes.  He championed for her and that, well that just surprised the hell out of her.  He was proving to be a man with many facets and to a certain degree; that intrigued her.

                After several long minutes of long suffering silence, she couldn't take it anymore and finally asked the unspoken question that niggled at the back of her mind.  "Why?"

                Brody craned his neck in her direction and a slow grin spread across his face.  "Why what?" he shot back at her, laughter twinkling like shining stars in his eyes.

                Olivia crossed her hands over her chest and stuck her obstinate nose up in the air.  "Why did you do that?" she asked him again, her tone showing more persistence.  She didn't know why she had to know this but the notion was buzzing around in her head like an annoying gnat that she just couldn't shake.  She needed to know why.

                The elevator door dinged and opened up on the lobby level, interrupting them.  Brody waved his hand to the door and gestured for her to lead the way.  Once she passed by him, he followed her out of the elevator and placed his hand at the small of her back.  He easily maneuvered her towards the exit.  Passing by the hotel staff at the front counter, he flashed a bright smile and politely waved.  Once they stepped out into the bright Hawaiian sunshine he responded to her earlier question.  "Why did I do what?" 

                These were the times that she wanted to strangle Brody.  Why couldn't he just give her a straight answer?  Why did he have to be so impossible to deal with?  She stopped in the middle of the parking lot and rounded on him.  "You know good and damn well what Brody O'Conner." 

                Again, he graced her with that million watt smile of his and at that moment she was willing to bet her life savings that particular smile would be a hell of a tool if used as a weapon to solve world peace. 

                Knowing exactly what type of effect that he was having on her and loving every minute of it Brody lazily drawled, "Just because."  He took an easy stance in front of her, bracing his feet shoulder width apart and relaxing his hands by his sides and patiently waited for her snippy retort.

                "Because," she mocked him and rolled her eyes.  "It just figures you would say something like that."  She cocked her hands up on her trim, shapely hips and color suddenly flushed her cheeks, washing away all visible signs of just how bad the text that had shaken her up earlier today. 

                That was exactly what Brody hoped to do and was mighty pleased with the results.

                She was putting her game face on, Brody noticed and couldn't help but to grin. That game face of hers would have fooled anyone else, but not him.  He was beginning to notice quite a few things when it came to this particular fiery southern bell.  Little things like certain bodily gestures and what mood they stood for. 

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