Chapter 38 **Bonus Chapter**

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Special thanks to my wonderful hubby for all of his love, support and patience with me on this story :D

"The Rented Husband"

2012 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Chapter 38

     "So," Brody started, twirling Olivia around on the make-shift dance floor, "You want to make a break for it?"  The wedding ceremony was long over, dinner had been served, toasts had been made and the bride and groom had just exited the building for a honey moon of their own.  Lazy music was still playing in the back ground and the crowd had been cut in half. The feel of a soft, warm woman in his arms was doing quite a number on him.

     She smiled into his shirt, her head pressed up against his chest.  "A break you say, what kind of break did you have in mind Mr. O'Connor?"

     "Mmm," he murmured low in her ear, nipping at the small lobe and then licking over the little love bite to soothe the sting.   "A break," he breathed, tightening his hold on her.  As their bodies moved in time with the music, he let his hands slide down to the curves just below her hips.  "Ever since you agreed to be my wife, I've thought about nothing other than getting you alone and finishing what we started before we were so rudely interrupted." 

     "Hmm," she concurred, remembering all to well how good he made her feel under the spray of the warm water of the shower.  "I think I would like to make a break for it, especially if it means that I get to spend time alone with my new fiance."

     Brody lifted his head and searched the room.  Those that were left all seemed to be absolved in their own little worlds.  Sneaking out of the reception shouldn't be all that big of a deal.  "Come on," he said, releasing her hips and grabbing her hand.  She giggled as he pulled her to the back of the room and stalked towards the door way. 

     Half way there, he stopped and glanced back over his shoulder, shooting her one on his brilliant smiles.   What? He mouthed, when she smiled back at him.  Olivia shook her head.  "Nothing, just move your feet and go."

     "Okay."  He chuckled, holding up his hands in surrender.  "I'm going," he added and started to move again.  He was going to get her alone this time and nothing short of a bomb exploding would stop him. He had been waiting and anticipating entirely too long to see what she would feel like underneath him, how she would look when she peaked.  He gritted his teeth, feeling himself grow hard at the mere thought of finally being able to make slow, sweet, passionate love to her.

     They slid through the door, hand in hand and was about to round the corner when a familiar face stepped in front of him.  "Brody," Ted said holding his hand out in front of him in greeting.

     Brody glanced at the hand he held out and took it with his free hand.  "Sir," he nodded, and waited to see what the old man had to say. If the expression on his face said anything, he most definitely had something on his mind.

     Ted glanced over at Olivia, the only daughter of his who had yet to marry.  There were times that he wondered if she would ever marry.  Unfortunately, she was so much like him it was scary and that meant she was as stubborn as the stock that she came from.  When he first met Brody, he thought he was nothing more that one of those upper class yahoos that cared more about their looks than they did about a woman's feelings.  Now though, he knew differently.  Brody was a man that had earned his worth.  He was good for his baby girl.  He would take care of her and keep her out of trouble.  He smiled at that particular thought, most of the time anyway.

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