Chapter 33

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“The Rented Husband”

2012 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Chapter 33

    “Are you positive that it’s a girl,” Brody asked again, following Seth off the elevator.

    Seth stopped mid-stride and turned around, shooting him a droll look.  “I believe that I can tell the difference in the anatomy between a male and a female-  and that was most definitely a female.”

    Brody flattened out his lips.  “Who in the hell could it be then?”

    “Well, if you’d quit flapping that jaw of yours and come on, we just might get the answer to that question.”  Seth shook his head.  He felt like he was talking to a recalcitrant child.  He gestured down the hall, “Are you coming or not?”

    “Yeah, I‘m coming,” he snapped irritably.  Even though it wasn’t the way he had planned on. He had envisioned a nice set of legs entangled with his, a set of firm breast pressing softly against his chest while he lightly nibbled on warm salty skin. He closed his eyes, forcing the image out of his head.  He should of known better.  That would have just been to good to be true.

     Forging on, he continued to follow Seth silently down the hall until they stopped in front of a door.  He waited silently behind him, his impatience growing by the second.  Several minutes later, still standing in the hall, his frustrations hit a breaking point.  He needed to know who the person was and he needed to know now.  

    Imperviously, he slapped his hands against his legs, the sound reverberating off the walls.  “Can’t you move any faster than that?”

    Seth slowly glanced back at him over his shoulders and glared, not even having to say a single word.  The icy look that he shot Brody, said everything that needed to be said. Back off!

    Brody folded his arms over his chest and let out an indignant huff.  Satisfied that he got his message across, Seth turned back around and swiped the key card, opening the door.  “After you,” he told Brody, waving him inside the room.  

    Brody marched past him, his chest puffed out.  His shirt was only half-buttoned and shoes left untied.  “Alright,” he said, stopping half way in the room.  “Where is it?”

    “It’s over here,” Seth murmured, walking past him and over to the desk set up in the corner of the room.  Brody made his way over to the impressive set up and whistled.  “This is some pretty high tech stuff you have here.”

    “Military perk’s,” he said, running his fingers over the keyboard.  Brody watched intently as several screens flashed in front of him.  “Here,” Seth pointed, bringing up a frozen image.  He tapped a few more times and the video started.  “Do you know her?”

    He bent down low over Seth’s shoulder to get a better look.  He watched the slender brunette with her back turned to the camera.  “I’m not sure-”

    “Wait a minute,” Seth interrupted, “She’s getting ready to turn around.”  And just as he said, the female turned around.  

    “Nah,” he said getting closer to the screen, “It can’t be her.”  

    “Who is she?” Seth impatiently pushed.

    “It’s impossible,” he whispered to himself.

    “Brody, who?!”

    “I don’t even know why she would hold a grudge against Olivia.”

    “Dammit,” Seth said grabbing Brody’s arm, “Who the hell is she?!”

    Brody stood up, shock reflected in his eyes.  “That’s Patton- Patton Woodock.  She’s Judge Woodock’s daughter.  She has been interning down at the courthouse for the last year under several of the DA’s.  As a favor to Judge Woodock, I took her for two weeks and let me tell you,” he started to back away and walked over to the window, peering out over the beach. “The last thing that girl want’s, is to be is an Attorney.  If it wasn’t for her dad, she wouldn’t be interning anywhere.  She has the smarts of  a watermelon and the body of Victoria Secret Model.”

The Rented Husband (Southern Nights Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon