Chapter 34

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“The Rented Husband”

2012 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Chapter 34

    Brody started for the door.  It had just occurred to him that he didn’t even tell Olivia that he was leaving.  She had been naked, willing and all to ready for him when Seth had so rudely interrupted them.  He shook his head at his plight, she was going to be so pissed with him.

    “Hey,” Seth called out, seeing him head for the door. “Where are you going?”

    He stopped,  his hand poised to grip the handle and glanced back over his shoulder.  “I need to get back to Liv," he told him.  "I’m not comfortable leaving her alone and I want to make some phone calls back home.”

    Seth watched him thoughtfully.  “Do me a favor and hold off on your calls, especially if they have anything to do with the Judges daughter.”

    Brody’s brow puckered and he turned all the way around, putting his hands on his hips. “And may I ask why?” Because that was exactly what he planned on doing.  It was hard to think that someone like Patton Woodock could pose any real threat to Olivia but still, he didn’t want to take any chances.  He planned to call Lieutenant Dean down at the Raleigh police station and have her brought in for first degree threatening.  He wanted to make sure that Olivia was safe now, rather than sorry later.

    “Because,” Seth said in his usual ’no duh’ tone.  “I plan to contact my people and have her taken in and if you go off, questioning only God knows who, it may slip out that we’re on to her.  We can’t afford for that to happen.  She could get away before we ever even have a chance to get her and  I don‘t want to take any chances.  The sooner this is ended- the better off we‘ll all be.”

    It was hard for Brody to argue with a point like that.  He did feel better knowing who was behind the mysterious phone calls and texts but he dreaded telling Olivia.  When she found out who it was, she was going to flip.  She loved that old Judge like a second father.  To learn that it was his daughter making all these threats was going to be quite a blow for her.  “Alright,” Brody agreed.  “I won’t call anyone but I want you to promise me that you’ll get this taken care of.”

    Seth stood up from the desk and strode over to the miniature refrigerator in the corner, pulling it open and grabbing a canned coke.  He held another one up to Brody, offering it to him and he shook his head.  Brody was more anxious to get back to Olivia.  Seth shrugged in indifference and popped the can open, tossing it back and taking several large gulps before focusing back on Brody again. “You don’t have to worry about that,” he told him with all due sincerity.  Olivia’s family and we take care of our own.  I’ll make it my personal prerogative to make sure that her threat is taken care of.”

    Brody had no doubts that Seth meant every word he said.  If he had learned anything about this family, including that quack father of hers, it was they would do anything for each other.  Olivia may hate their intrusive involvement but at least they loved her and that was something that he couldn’t find fault with.

    “You’ll call me with any news?” Brody asked, framing it like a question but making it out as more of a statement.

    “Yeah,” Seth nodded, “If I hear anything, I’ll let you know.  In the mean time, I’ve got some work to do before the wedding tomorrow.  I’ve got this, you go take care of your wife.’

    Brody grinned.  Oh yeah, he was going to take care of her alright.  After seeing the way that she reacted to his touch in the shower, he planned to make sure that she was good and well taken care of before the family dinner this evening.  He wanted her and he wanted her for so much more than just this week.  He wanted her for a lifetime and if his words couldn’t convince her, then maybe his loving would.  Swiveling around, he gripped the door handle and opened it wide, “Don’t worry, I’m already on it.”

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