Chapter 22

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**Edited by krisgee**

The Rented Husband

2012 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Chapter 22

“How do you do it?”  Brody stared up at Seth with pleading eyes.  He was at a complete loss.  The little hellion that brought him in the first place was literally driving him out his mind.

“Do what exactly?” Seth asked cautiously.

“Deal with them.  The Murray women I mean.  There has to be some trick of the trade that I’m missing or something.  It's like we’re from two entirely different planets.”  

For the last half hour Brody had run himself ragged looking for Olivia all over the hotel.  He was at his wit’s end and to make matters worse he wasn’t all too sure what he had done wrong in the first place. 

They had been fine, she seemed happy enough and then the next thing he knew, Olivia hopped on an elevator, ceremoniously called him a sucker and closed him out, leaving him there to gape at the closed door.

“The Murray women?” Seth asked, highly amused by the initial question.  “You want me,” he said pointing to himself, “to tell you how to deal with the Murray women.”

“Yeah.  That’s exactly what I want you to do.  You married one of them, how do you survive?”  Brody loosely placed his hands on his hips before adding, “Because for the life of me, I can’t figure out what in the hell that I’m doing wrong.”

Seth dropped his head, his shoulders shaking with the laughter that he was trying to stifle.

“Are you laughing at me?” Brody was beyond exasperation at this point and he didn’t think that any of this was in the least bit funny.

Seth lifted his head.  “Did you seriously ask me how to handle a Murray woman?”

Frustrated, Brody ran a hand over his face.  “Look, just forget that I asked you anything.  I’ll figure out something on my own.”  Already turning, he started for the door.  He hadn’t thought to check out by the pool - maybe his missing better half decided to hide out there. 

Olivia was most certainly proving to be a handful and a half; but as long as they were here in Hawaii, she was his handful to handle.  Hell, he was a smart and a well-educated man, graduating third in his class from Wake Forrest Law School.  He should be able to deal with his pretend wife for one week. 

Should being the operative word in that sentence.  The problem with Olivia however was that nothing was ever as it should be.

            Seth watched Brody as he started to walk away and groaned.  Dealing with Murray women wasn’t easy but it wasn’t rocket science either.  “Brody,” he called, “Wait a minute.”

            Brody stopped in his tracks.  He hesitated for a minute before turning around.  “Look, if you only want to laugh at me some more then no thanks, I have better things to do like finding out where Olivia has taken off to before she gets herself into any more trouble.”

            “No, I’m not going to laugh at you but I suppose we can take a walk and talk about the Murray women as you so eloquently put it.”  He chuckled, picturing his own wife.  “They are, you might say, a breed of their own.”

            Brody thought about that and slowly nodded his head.  “Alright Maestro, you have my undivided attention.”

            Seth caught up with Brody and led him in the opposite direction of the girls.  “First off,” he started, “The one thing to always remember is that no matter what, she is always right.”

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