Chapter 4//: Rules and Questions

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[ E D I T E D]

♕✿~♕✿~Chapter 4//: Rules and Questions♕✿~♕✿~

The next few days are a blur as people, many whom I don't know, come by the house to congratulate me on being Chosen. I get twice as many calls than I did before and soon, the jar where I am keeping my money earned from these performances starts to get full. Although I'm immensely shocked and annoyed that I was Chosen, I can't help but smile every time the sound of a coin hits the other coins in the jar.

During this time, officials visited and swarmed me to prepare me for the Choosing. A man came to measure me for my new wardrobe at the palace, which would consist of dresses. I wasn't feeling too excited that I would have to wear a dress since I've worn pants for the majority of my life. Another woman came to my house because she thought I was lying about all of the instruments I could play, which led to me having to play a piece on all of the instruments I had listed. A Sentinel from the palace visited as well to go over security measures with the local security guards. Apparently, I wasn't safe from rebels attacking my house while I was here. Great, just fantastic.

The last visitor from the palace came on Wednesday, two days before I would have to leave. The man was supposed to go over all of the competition rules with me. He was dressed in a clean suit and had slicked-back black hair. Upon entering the house, he asked Sydney to leave as he talked "with the adults here." Sydney opened her mouth to protest but quickly fled the scene when she saw mom give her the you-better-listen-now-or-you'll-regret-it-later look. After this, mom led the man to the dining table where we all sat down, me and mom sitting on one side while the man sat across from us.

"My name is Solomon Macanthos, and I am here to explain the competition rules and discuss other information with you." The man, names Solomon, introduced himself. "Miss Williams, this will sound harsh, but as of last Friday, you are now considered property of Norta. You must take care of your body from here on out.I have several forms with me that you need to sign as we go over the information. Any failure to comply on your part will result in your immediate removal from the Choosing. Do you understand?" The man says this all in one quick breath. I nod in understanding, and he continues to talk.

"First, I must give you these." The man slides a large bottle across the table to me. I pick it up and shake it around a bit. Something rattles from inside. "Those are vitamins. Since you are a Five, I'll assume that you may not have access to necessary nutrition. You must take one every day," Solomon informs me.

"Understood, sir," I tell him, though I don't really think I'll remember to take these anyways.

"Very good. I'll need you to sign here to say you received the vitamins." I quickly sign on the dotted line on the paper, and the man takes the paper back.

"Looking at the physical from your doctor, you seem to be in excellent health. There's not much to worry about, so we'll move on." Solomon flips through the papers he's holding. "Moving on. I know this is personal, but I've had to discuss this with every other contestant. I must confirm that you are a virgin."

At this, my cheeks redden in embarrassment. Seriously? Couldn't they send a woman to do this?

While I stay silent, mom answers the man herself. "Of course she is! She's never had a boyfriend before in her life. It's against the laws sir, might I remind you, and my daughter is not a troublemaker like that!" she exclaims. I groan internally, even more embarrassed.

Solomon doesn't pay attention to my mom and instead turns to me. He wants to hear me say so, not my mom. "Yes, sir. I'm a virgin. I know the laws," I mumble. Solomon nods and marks something on one of the papers. He hands me another piece of paper and a pen. "I'll need you to sign here to confirm your statement." I sign my name again and then pass the paper back to Solomon.

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