Chapter 32//: You will never be queen

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[ E D I T E D ]

♕✿~♕✿~Chapter 32//: You will never be queen♕✿~♕✿~

"Ladies, can I have your attention!"

The chatter in the Women's Room simmers down to a small whisper until there's only silence. I look up from the book I was reading in the comfy armchair located in the far corner of the room. Caroline stands in the doorway to the room. But she's not the only one there.

I quickly get up along with the other girls, falling into a curtsy that looks childish compared to the refined elegance of the Silver competitors. The queen smiles at us in acknowledgement. I continue standing up with the other girls who look at the queen with calculating expressions. Who knew what the Silver girls were thinking; it was impossible to know with their constant cold expressions that betrayed nothing of what they were thinking about.

"Good afternoon, girls." The queen greets us. "Please, sit down." The girls hesitantly sit back in their chairs, and I slowly sink back into the armchair. The queen comes in and sits on the couch facing all of us.

"I wanted to tell you all about an event that's coming up." A rare, excited look passes over the queen's features. "Since Ahren has narrowed down the 35 girls to the Elites, it's about time the king and I meet your families."

The girls around me look at each other with excitement. I search through my memory, trying to remember what my mom has told me about what happens in the Choosing. Then, I find the information I'm looking for: there was usually a gathering of some sorts in the palace where the Elites' families were invited to stay for a couple of days to meet the king and queen. It was a chance for the royal family to see how the Elites' families' statuses were.

"This year, we are hosting a small gathering out in the gardens," Caroline announces with an excited smile. Immediately, the girls around me start to talk to each other about this gathering.

"I want you all to go to your rooms and write a letter to your families. Tell them about the gathering and whatever else you would like. It's going to be held 4 days from now, so tell your families to plan accordingly! They will be provided rooms in the palace to stay in for the duration of their stay. Now, let's get to it ladies!" Caroline claps her hands together expectantly, pointing at the hallway behind her. We all get the message and get up from our chairs, the queen getting up as well. I follow the other girls out of the women's room, and we're soon all talking about the gathering as we're walking up the stairs.

"I can't wait for Ahren and his family to meet my family!" Penelope says excitedly.

Alexis snorts. "They've already met my family multiple times. It'll be like friends meeting up again."

As you can see, Alexis is back to her usual self.

"I hope the king and queen think my family has enough power. I mean, if I want to get the crown, I have to have a powerful family since the king won't allow for a weak family to marry his son," Nina voices her worry. I share a look with Emily who's next to me, and we both silently agree to keep quiet about the fact that Nina said crown instead of Ahren.

"I just hope my family has a nice time here," Emily says. "I don't even think Ahren will choose me, so this doesn't really matter."

I frown while the other girls share looks with each other, looking hopeful. "Why do you think that?" I ask her.

Emily just shrugs. "I barely spend any time with him. I think my last date with him was last week."

"My last date with him was five days ago," Olivia pipes in with a new glint of hope in her eyes.

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