Chapter 35//: A wolf in sheep's clothing

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[ E D I T E D ]

♕✿~♕✿~Chapter 35//: A wolf in sheep's clothing♕✿~♕✿~

I let my eyes wander around my room as Sam clips a sparkling jewel hair pin in my hair. Under the lights, it shines a clear blue color.

Sydney giggles as Tiffany and Lacy do her hair. I can tell they're having fun, as they're all smiling and laughing. Sydney's hair, which usually stays in dark curls around her shoulders, is braided and placed so that it looks like there's a crown hidden in her hair. Tiffany and Lacy add a few crystals to her hair, making this illusion look more real.

A pressure on my shoulders makes me look back into the mirror. Mom, with her hands on my shoulders, smiles at my reflection. "You're beautiful, my girl," she murmurs proudly.

I smile gratefully up at her. Mom, for the first time in a long time, has let her dark hair down. Her blue eyes looked more lively than before. She had on a dress that I know has sit in the back of her closet for a long time: it was a neutral grey gown, with silver jewels lining the middle of the dress. It barely reached just below her knees, and she was wearing simple grey shoes.

Dad comes up next to me, smiling at me warmly. "Your mother is right. You're the most gorgeous girl in this palace." I flush red in embarrassment.

"That's not true, dad. The other girls in this palace are quite beautiful as well," I tell him. He just pinches my cheek.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Sydney asks impatiently, shuffling from one foot to the other. My mother lets out a cry of pure shock and rushes to her other daughter, cooing over her. "Oh, look at your hair! You look like a princess!" Sydney lets out the most radiating smile ever.

I feel myself wilt a bit. If only it were Sydney in my position. She would be a great queen: she knew right from wrong, she was reasonable, and she was exactly the type of Red the king and queen would love. I, on the other hand, was already disliked from the other High Houses.

Sydney's eyes travel to me and she jumps over to me. "You're wearing it," she states with a smile on her face. I look down and realize she's talking of the music note necklace she gave me so long ago. I smile and pull her in for a hug.

"Of course I did. It goes with my dress." I wink at her.

A knock comes from the door. Lacy goes to open it, and lets out a sound of surprise when she opens the door.

"Officer Nolle. What a surprise," Lacy says as she opens up the door, revealing Lucas. He's dressed in his King's guard uniform, like always.

"Lady Madison." Lucas bows his head a bit, for some reason not looking at me. "It's time for the gathering, and His Majesty ordered for a guard to accompany the Chosen girls' families to the outdoor gardens," Lucas explains his presence here. I nod in understanding. It seems the king is doing whatever he can to make sure no rebels mess up another Choosing event like last time. I shiver at the memories.

I grab onto Sydney's hands. "Come on, let's go," I tell my family. I allow my parents to walk ahead of Sydney and I. My father offers his arm to my mother, who giggles and accepts it. I feel myself smile as I look at them, happy that they were happy.

I allow Sydney to drag me out the door in excitement. As we pass Lucas, I try to make eye contact with him, but he stubbornly looks down at the ground, some stray brown hair hanging over his mask. I purse my lips, not understanding why he's suddenly ignoring me.

As we walk down to the gardens, Sydney animatedly talks about her excitement for this gathering, and how she's sure I will be the next queen. After telling her everything yesterday, she was giving me no rest when it came to talk of who Ahren would choose.

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