Chapter 13//: Beat that piece of royal sexiness!

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This chapter is dedicated to Shadowgirl140 . You da bomb💣

[E D I T E D]

♕✿~♕✿~Chapter 13//: Beat that piece of royal sexiness!♕✿~♕✿~

My maids come into my room soon after the training room incident. They inform me that Ahren's training will be over soon and that I should start to prepare for the race. I had almost forgotten about the race that Ahren and I were to do. If I win, I would get to wear pants for my Lessons. If I lose, I would have to go on a date with Ahren.

I could not go on a date with him.

I needed to focus on staying here for a month, then I needed to leave and forget about the memories of the palace in order to go back to my simple, easy life from before.

I let my maids help me take off my dress and am ready to dress myself in my jeans and shirt when Sam stops me.

"Miss, His Highness said that you should wear this so that he doesn't have an unfair advantage." Sam holds up a training suit identical to Ahren's, with the red stripe down the side.

If I wear this, it could be misinterpreted as me accepting the fact that I might be a part of House Calore. I did not want to send that sort of message to anyone.

"No thanks. I'll just wear my jeans and shirt," I tell Sam politely, handing back the training suit. She looks confused by my response but nods anyways and puts the suit off to the side to help me dress.

10 minutes later, I am dressed in my jeans and  a clean white shirt, along with my tennis shoes that I brought with me. I have my hair tied up in a ponytail, and I am doing some stretches to prep my legs. These babies haven't ran in a long time.

I look at the clock and see that it's almost time for Ahren to be done with his training. I breathe in and out. Ok. I've got this. I just need to run faster than someone who has been trained from birth to be a strong soldier and I'll be fine.

I don't sound confident even in my head.

My maids leave me to go work on my dress for the Report this Friday. I think I already have enough dresses, but they insist on making me a dress that I'll only wear for one Report.

I walk towards the training room, where the race will be held. I'm guessing there's a track in there somewhere. I didn't get a good look when I was spying with Rose, Belle, and Addaline.

When I open the door to the training room, the side conversations stop immediately. I see all of the girls here, in their own groups and talking to each other. Some stare at me as if I'm an alien, while others glare at me before turning away.

I walk forward and immediately everyone backs away from me. Why do I feel like I'm walking to my death? As I continue walking, the girls part away, revealing a smirking Ahren on the other side of the sea of girls.

"Madison. You know it's not too late to turn back," Ahren tells me. I roll my eyes, a smile starting to form on my face.

"As if I would," I shoot back. "I'm warning you, Your Highness, I am going to be tough competition to beat." My words only make Ahren stare at me competitively.

"Fine. Don't complain when you lose," Ahren says confidently. I strut over to where he stands and put a hand sassily on my hip.

"It's cute that you're acting so confident when you shouldn't," I say with a raised brow. Ahren's eyes shine with amusement as his mouth slightly tips upward.

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