Chapter 18//: Friends? Friends.

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♕✿~♕✿~Chapter 18//: Friends? Friends.♕✿~♕✿~

Saturday morning, and I'm spending it by waiting behind the other Chosen girls in a sleeveless cream dress and cream heels.

Caroline had told Rose, Addaline and I about this photoshoot yesterday, but that didn't mean I was exactly enjoying it.

Apparently, they were going to take pictures of all the Chosen girls with Ahren, and put a poll out to the public. The people would vote for who looked best with Ahren. Even though I wouldn't admit it out loud, I was nervous as to what the people would think.

Rose and Addaline had already taken their pictures with the prince, and were lounging in the chairs situated around the room we were in. Currently, Ahren was taking pictures with Alexis, and I looked with envy at the way Alexis, being a model, tilted her head at different angles so that the light captured her perfectly. The perfect smile was on Alexis' lips: not too small and not too big. She was born to be a model, that's for sure.

Two more turns and I would be up there. This would be awkward, especially since I haven't talked to Ahren since Wednesday. I've been avoiding him as much as I could, and Ahren could see that I didn't want to talk, so he kept his distance for the last three days.

"Miss, you're next." A timid voice breaks me from my thoughts and I realize with a jolt that the girls in front of me are no longer there. I look over to Ahren to see him waiting for me expectantly. He's dressed in a lieutenant uniform, like in the family portrait I saw on my first day. With a gulp, I walk forward, almost tripping on my dress from nerves.

Why am I so nervous? I shouldn't care what the people think about how Ahren and I look together. But I do, and I hate it.

I reach Ahren, awkwardly standing there with my arms hanging stiffly by my side. I don't look up at Ahren, choosing to instead stare wide eyed at the camera lens in front of me.

"Relax," Ahren whispers, his breath tickling my ear and sending shivers down my back. "You're so stoic," he says with amusement. I glare up at him, and at that moment, the camera flashes, taking a picture.

Ahren smirks at me as a look of horror crosses my face. Let's just hope they don't use that photo.

Without warning, I feel Ahren's arms wrap around the sides of my stomach. He starts tickling me, and I can't control the laughter bursting out of me. The camera flashes again, capturing the moment.

I immediately figured out what he was trying to do. By tickling me, I would look more at ease and natural in the photo. He was helping me with this photo shoot and poll.

But even if he is helping me, I was suffering from immense stomach pains from all of the tickling, and I wasn't enjoying it much. Honestly, I had to resist the reflex to kick out at him to stop him.

"," I tell him in between gasps, trying to regain my breath after being tickled. Ahren smirks at me. "You know you love me," he says jokingly as he pulls my body against his chest, having us pose in the traditional bride-groom pose. He continues his tickling, and I finally crack, a laugh escaping me. The camera flashes yet again.

"Next," the gruff man taking photographs grumbles. Ahren reluctantly lets go of me, and I quickly start to walk towards where Addaline and Rose are, but a touch on my wrist stops me. I look back to see Ahren.

"We need to talk after I'm done here. Meet me in my room at 11 o'clock sharp," he murmurs into my ear. He moved away from me, greeting the next girl to take photos with him, and I stumble away from him, trying to push down the feeling of foreboding.

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