Chapter 30•

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"The successful marriage is not when you can live in peace with your wife, But when you can't live in peace without your wife."

Abdulrahim 's POV:

What's happening to me!? Ohh my God. I kept on blaming the queer girl for everything. I rushed back to my office . I was shaking out of anger. I couldn't sit nor stand. I was moving up and down constantly hitting the desk. Shiit!! What have I done!? How could I have wanted this company more than Hannan!? Oh Allah. Now see what my greed has paid me. I took out my mobile scrolled down to her number and making attempt to Dial it. At the point of  ringing I quickly end the call. I don't know what to tell her and she won't pick up cos I've hurt her so badly.

I fell down to my knees and began weeping. Strange right? Well this girl has special effects on me. I don't easily fall for girls . But Hannan? I drown in her love. I was there for couples of hours. Later my sallah alarm went off which means it  was time to magrib.  I stood up and went to the Washroom in the office. I stared at the mirror examining my face cos I looked paled and sick. I quickly sprinkled water all over my face and wash it ignoring the idea that I looked sick cos that's the last thought I wanna know of myself. I hate the idea of being sick and looking so helpless . I hate someone taking care of me while I'm unable to do so.

I stepped out of my company unlocking my SUV. I slide into my seat and drove off to a masjid around the corner. I stood in rows of people and followed the imam in prayer. When I was done , I drove straight to Hannan's house and packed in their driveway. I saw her brother Anas heading out of the house. I dropped hoping he'd understand my explanation and help me talk to Hannan.

"Asalamu'alaykum. I said gazing down and feeling ashamed of myself Cos I know what he thinks of me now.  He stared at me for a while. After a long pause he replied.

"Walaykumsalam .  What have you come here for? Look who's finally out of his shell!! You hypocrite ! How would you feel if someone had done this to your sister!??? He said looking extremely angry.

"Please you have to listen to me, it's not what it is! I can explain. I said feeling bad. And the question how would i feel if it's been done to my sister ? Hit me hard.

"Explain what!? Huh?

"Firstly,  i have fought against the one who had done more than this to my sister. I know how it feels like seeing your sister being hurt by a fellow brother. 

"So your sister had gone through same thing? He asked looking concern.

"Yeah. Though she's married. Her husband is a drunkard. I know you'd say what kind of family marry off their daughter to a drunkard? Well, he was never like that. Uno circumstances might change weak people. He started drinking when he found out he wasn't his parents real child and he was found lying in a basket on the street.  Then and then he began hurting everyone he loves.

"Hmm. What's your brother in law 's name?

"Kabir uthman

"Ahhhh! Really? He's my freaking cousin! Ohh my God. His behaviour is something else this days. I didn't even know this was the course of his actions cos our parents won't mention it to any of us. Maybe they thought it will change our feelings about him too! Ohh my Allah. He said looking surprised. This really hurts cos I've heard how ill mannered he treated his wife.

" ohh your cousin? Wow I never knew too. Wallahi it hurts so much and Allah knows best cos I never imagined I would ever hurt Hannan cos she's so precious to me.  After the long explanation on what happened right from the start how pops had done everything, Anas seemed to have understood my explanation and somehow we have exact situation at hand.

"Wow. It's really not your fault at all. This is a great misunderstanding my man. Not to worry I'll convince Hannan. But as for now, let her be. I mean she believes what she saw. Who wouldn't? and I can't blame her for that. All she needs is time. And don't mention this to baba cos his reaction at first will be super super saltier than mine. He said winking at me. I burst into laughter cos man this is a hell of a family I thought. 

"But I can call her right or text?

"Don't think about that bro. She won't reply you. I know my sister just chill. Like I said all she need is time. Time to get over everything.

"I really hope the whole period of time would make her feel better not saltier and saltier. I said looking confused.

"Haha you joker! Ofcos it will. Time is supposed to heal a wound right? Not making it deeper.

" yeah I guess you're right. In'sha'Allah I hope everything will be fine cos the Nikka is two months away from now. I said pulling my beard thoughtfully.

"In'sha'Allah. keep making plans for the Nikka . Don't hesitate to call me if you need any help. He said smiling. And dropping out of the car.

"In'sha'Allah I'll. I said .

Okay then. Allah hafiz in law to be. He said waving at me.

"Allah hafiz brother in law I said waving back as I drove off . I felt a lot better and constantly thanking Allah for everything.

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