Chapter 2

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Natsu woke up early the next day and quickly rushed out to check the job bulletin. It was always the first thing he did every morning. To his surprise, Gray was already standing there, with a sheet of paper in his hand. Natsu quickly snatched the paper and read it. "Hey, that's mine!" Gray angrily exclaimed.

"Well it's in my hands now."

"I had it first!" Just as the boys were getting ready to start yet another brawl, Erza stood between them.

"Calm down you two, you can both take on the job. I mean you guys, Lucy, and I have all been doing jobs together for a while now."

"But I hate working with him and his obnoxious fire-breath!"

"Why you-"

"Lucy!" Erza called as she saw Lucy walk into the guild, "you've got to come on this job with us. I can't deal with these two by myself." And so, the best team in Fairy Tail once again set off on a journey together.

"Natsu, you're pathetic" Gray announced as Natsu hung his head out the train window. Natsu's only response was a moan of discomfort. To Natsu's relief, they quickly arrived at their destination, which was a quirky little town called Orhion. The small group made their way to what seemed to be the client's house and knocked on the large wooden door. A young girl answered.

"Papa, there are some weird people at the door!" she called, earning a giggle from Natsu and Gray and a glare from Lucy.

"Mikasa!" said an annoyed voice. A tall old man appeared in the door frame behind the little girl. "I apologize for her. Her parents haven't really taught her manners yet."

"Oh no, it's fine" Erza replied. "We know we kind of stand out a little bit. Is she your granddaughter then?"

"Yes, she is. So are you guys the wizards from Fairy Tale?"

"Yes, we are."

"Okay, well please come in." The man ushered them in and they followed him to a dimly lit room with a table and a few couches in the center. "Please, sit. Do you understand the job?"

"Yes I think so. You need us to make everyone believe your youngest daughter has a boyfriend. Do you have a preference for who plays the boyfriend?"

"That's correct, and I think the dark-haired one will do. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name...?"

"It's Gray, nice to meet you."

"And you as well. My name is Nariko Nakamoura."

"I'm Lucy!"


"And my name is Erza."

"I wanted to be the boyfriend" Natsu muttered, pouting. Only Erza heard him and she discretely elbowed him in the ribs. "Owww!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Everything okay over there..?" Mr. Nakamoura questioned.


"Alright, then I'll introduce you to my daughter. Kiriana, come down here please!" A very beautiful young woman wearing a tight-fitting blue dress slowly descended the stairs. Natsu had to admit she was attractive. Everyone quickly made their introductions and then they left for the party that they were supposed to be proving Kiriana's unavailable-ness at. Gray and Kiriana walked arm in arm a little in front of everyone and seemed to be getting along very well. Something about watching them giggle at each other made Natsu's stomach twist and he wasn't sure why. Natsu shook his head and engaged Lucy in conversation, asking about what it was like to be rich. Once they arrived at the party, Gray and Kiriana went off on their own and it was up to everyone else to gossip about the "cute couple". The night passed surprisingly quickly, but by the end of it, Natsu was in a very bad mood for some reason. He didn't talk at all on the way home and when Kiriana tried to make small talk with him, he snapped back at her. Ezra looked over at Natsu, wondering what the hell was wrong with him tonight. 

Later on, as the group was heading back to the guild, Gray pulled Natsu aside. "What the hell is wrong with you tonight?" he harshly whispered. Natsu whipped around ready to make a harsh retort, but he was frozen by Gray's eyes. As is in a trance, he stepped closer to Gray. "N-Natsu, what are you...?" Once they were standing face to face, only inches apart, Natsu let his instincts take over. He crashed his lips against Gray's and, to his surprise, just as he was about to pull away and run off, Gray responded. Gray wrapped his arms around Natsu's waist and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.

"Natsu, Gray what's taking so long?" Lucy called. Natsu and Gray jumped apart, both breathing heavy and blushing. Fortunately it was dark out so Lucy couldn't see them.


"Whatever..." Lucy mumbled.

That night, Natsu tossed and turned in his bed. He couldn't stop thinking about Gray and what he had done. "He kissed me back..." Natsu hadn't even realized he had feelings for Gray before tonight, but now there was no doubt about it. He just didn't know what to do next.

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