Chapter Two

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After the school day was mostly over, I met up with Tori again."Hey, hottie." She greeted and I returned the hello. "Katy and I are going to the mall, so whenever you finish with detention then feel free to join us." Tori said and I was about to agree before I remembered the date today.

"I totally would, but I just remembered I have that photo shoot?"I said, shoving my books into my locker.

This detention is only making this day even harder.

I looked at the slip I was given and frowned,"Shoot! It let's out at the exact time detention let's out," I said looking at Tori, feeling slightly nervous on what to do. If I showed up late to work because of a detention I'd be killed by Mary.

"It's okay. Usually, the teacher, Mr. Ollie, falls asleep or forgets about detention duty, so it will probably be you and then some other kids. You can easily sneak out, but don't forget to sign your name on the sheet in the front of the room, or else you'll get another detention," Tori warned, giving me a reassuring smile and I raised my recently plucked eyebrow.

"I'm not even going to ask how you know that." I said shaking my head in amusement and she shrugged.

"Forget your homework like I do all the time. Trust me that's where you'll spend your day." She said before quietly squealing, as though she just remembered something. "I can't believe it, Clover Thompson is going to do something exciting in school, something bad." She said, almost bouncing on her heels, the movement causing me to roll my eyes.

"It's leaving detention five minutes early. It's really not that big of a deal." I said waving her off as she slammed my locker shut.

"Please, you won't even want to leave once you see the guy's in there. They're all incredibly hot."She gushed and I lightly pushed her shoulder while laughing.

"Okay, well, I have to go before I'm late to that and those hot guy," I said and she stuck her tongue out at me before pulling her bag higher on her shoulder.

I shook my head at her, a small smile playing on my lips. "I'll text you later, after the photoshoot," I told and she gave me a side hug.

"Okay, bye, girl!" Tori said, waving, as I headed off to detention. I checked the slip: Room 218. I quickly rushed off to the room, only having three minutes to get there. Once I walked in I frowned, seeing only one group of guys in the back corner.

These must be the guy's she was talking about. I thought to myself as I signed my name before taking a seat on the opposite side of the room.

I glanced over to them again and the recognition finally set in. It was Andrew Carter. Now, I didn't know much about him, but from Katy has told me, him and Stacey are constantly on and off. Plus, he's apparently the one who throws all the school parties. And I won't lie, I have heard a rumor that he's the one who went to juvie his whole freshman year of high school. I'm not even sure how he made it to senior year.

Andrew seemed to notice my presence and smirked, turning his chair around, so the back was facing me. He sat on it and rested his arms on the top of the chair."Heya, boys. Look what we have here, Stacey's new conquest of the week is here." Andrew said and I didn't hold back the roll of my eyes. "You're the so-called freak that messed with her this morning, right?"

I unnoticeably gulped. Okay, so I really didn't want to be beaten to a pulp by this so called delinquent, Andrew Carter. "Awe, babes, did Stace cut off your tongue too?" He asked, standing up and moving directly beside me.

I couldn't help but smell the whiffs of cologne coming off of him, giving him the smell slightly of citrus and cigarettes and something else I couldn't put my name on."Can you please just leave me alone?" I asked and he ran his hand down the side of my face before stumbling slightly, almost falling over the side of my desk.

I'm A Model That's Undercover As The School's Nerd **Rewritten**Where stories live. Discover now