Chapter Six

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Have you ever felt like everything had gone wrong? Have you ever questioned or scolded yourself for not doing something a different way? I mean if you would have done it a different way then you wouldn't be the position you're currently in. In my case, if I wasn't a complete idiot then I wouldn't be trying to wash out the food out of my wig in Andrew Carter's bathroom.

*One hour ago*

"Clover,"Andrew started softly. "Baby, If you wanted to play dirty all you had to do was ask." Andrew said, trailing his hand up the side of my neck making me stiffen. His hand went into my wig and before I could even react to what was happening it was already too late. He pulled the back of my shirt and sprayed whip cream all down my back. I gasped, jumping away, not missing the huge whiff of cream that was suddenly sprayed all over my hair.

My jaw was stuck completely open. "Andrew Carter," I gasped.

"Oops." He said smirking before pretending to look at a nonexistent clock on his wrist.

"Look at the time," He said shaking his head and tapping his wrist. "Guess we should change so you can get started on my homework and not get food all over my furniture." He said causing me to roll my eyes.

"You're just scared because you were losing." I retorted, crossing my arms over my sticky chest.

"No, no, no,"He said shaking his head and putting one arm over my shoulder. "Haven't you ever heard of the saying, stop while you're ahead?" He asked doing a little wave with his other hand as if there was something in the air that said those words and his hand was underlining them.

"Hey, you haven't always had blonde highlights, have you?" Andrew asked suddenly, picking up a piece of my real hair that must have fell out of my braids.

"Yeah, I got them last year but they're starting to fade." I lied, thinking quickly on the spot.

"Really? I've never noticed." He said dropping the piece.

I gave him a wry smile, "It's not like you've known me or even ever really notice me before." I said stepping away. "Not that that's exactly a bad thing," I mumbled under my breath.

"Well, I think the blonde goes well with you." He said as our eyes made contact."I'm gonna go take a shower cause I smell like ranch and cupcakes so I will be back. If you want, you can go wash up in that bathroom," Andrew said before disappearing for a minute. He reappeared with a pair of black, skinny collegiate pants and a black t-shirt.

"Cool, thanks," I said and he sent me a nod before heading back upstairs. The bathroom was easy to find, but I didn't feel comfortable showering in someone else's house so I wiped myself off with the small wash rag as much as I could before changing. As I pulled up the pants, they surprisingly fit well, but the shirt wasn't exactly my favorite as it was tight on my boobs. I sighed before removing my wig and rinsing it out. It didn't take long since I decided to only get out what I could for the moment before going through the process of putting it back on.

"This outfit looks awful on me," I muttered to myself as I exited the bathroom. I wonder if he had a shirt I could borrow because it was clear his sister was a bit smaller than me.

"Hey, nerd, I just noticed something," Andrew says glancing up at me while cleaning the kitchen.

"What? That you're a jerk?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ha, you're funny." He said rolling his eyes as he reached into the fridge and poured a glass of orange juice. "Want some?" He asked and I shook my head.

After putting away the juice, he leaned against the cabinet and looked at me carefully. "I just noticed that you're pretty hot, you know?" Andrew says causing me to roll my eyes.

I'm A Model That's Undercover As The School's Nerd **Rewritten**Where stories live. Discover now