Chapter Nine

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I stared in the mirror, my hands leaning against the sink. I wiped away the leaking mascara and eyeliner from my eyes. I was thankful that I put so many layers on in the morning for my cover.

"It's going to be okay," Tori said rubbing my back. I couldn't help but laugh.

"None of this is okay. I'm not okay. All of this is not okay." I almost yelled while throwing my hands up in the air.

"It will get better, sweetie." She tried to assure me."Stacey is only temporary, don't let her get to you." I looked in the mirror at my appearance. Although I still had the fake nose and the heavy makeup that was already halfway off, it all looked so wrong. My glasses were still missing and here I am looking half prepared to walk a runway.

Maybe that's a bit dramatic, but you don't typically see a high school student, in a style like this. It's unique and it involves the right look to pull it off. This hair and this face didn't have the look. But that's not what made it completely awful. It was the shorts that ruined it all. They was too tight, too short, and they showed everything.

"How the hell did I get in this situation? Stacey just couldn't have picked someone else. It's time for her to move on. I can't do this anymore. This stress isn't worth it." I said shaking my head.

"I know. I know." Tori said handing me a tissue.

This was a mess. How'd I get here you make ask? Well, it all started after this morning's confrontation.


I stood at my locker, clenching the side tightly as I tried to remember what book I came to grab.

"I can't believe they even bothered to mess with Stacey." I heard a red head whispering to her friend only three lockers away.

"I know! Which one is she again?" The brunette asked full of curiosity.

"Clover Thompson. She's the one screwing Andrew Carter."

"Wow, I can't believe he'd waste his time with her. She can barely defend herself against Stacey. I wonder how that disaster happened. Clearly a mistake."I slammed my locker shut, making sure it was noticeable as I sent the two girls a tight lipped smile as their heads followed the noise.

I turned around and headed straight to the cafeteria. All morning people have been talking about the short encounter this morning. I thought they'd care more about the fact that Stacey and Andrew were having problems but it seemed things got twisted and now people are talking more about how apparently Tori and I tried to fight Stacey for no apparent reason.

Don't worry, I wonder where this stuff comes from too.

I headed straight to the lunch line and ordered my food."Can I get a chicken salad and some nachos and cheese please?" I asked politely.

"Sure, darling." The lunch lady said handing me my salad and Tori's nachos. I headed to the line to pay before putting my number in and going to sit down.

"Here you go," I said handing her the nachos.

"Thanks." She chirped obviously in a good mood. I nodded and started to eat my chicken salad but couldn't help but let my thoughts drift to what happened yesterday with Andrew. He was so different than what he showed here at school. He was playful and fun, yet who knew what the real side was. Is he this player stoner or is he just your average teenage boy trying to get by.

I'm A Model That's Undercover As The School's Nerd **Rewritten**حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن