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This is one of them moments i ask myself what i could do.This is for y'all reading this.It's for y'all still breathibg and want a reason to breathe through the next moment.

If you could compose like Handel
If you could be as perfect as an Angel
If you could find satisfaction in a morsel
If you could find peace in a storm
If you could find passion even in norm
If you could see darkness in a glitter
If you could see the tree in a splinter
If you could feel the sun in winter
If you could love even in hurt
If you could make the world bow each time you made ink spurt
If you knew you couldn't fail
If you could see hope at the end of the rail
If you could be strong when you felt frail
If you could make the world see you through your creations
If you could find truth among all these distortions
If you could be as mysterious as madonna
If you could divorce treachery n take honour
If you could understand the peace of a loner
If you could use determination as failure's recoil
If you could find peace in the world's turmoil...
Thanks for reading.Leave a vote if you liked it n DM me your suggestions.Thanks again n catch you later•

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