violently cursed

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Fairytales at the back of my head,
Nightmares in front of my eyes.
Yesterday I had a dance with death.
She had a loose grip
And suicidal fantasies.
We got drunk and naked,
Then staggered on the broken pieces of my soul on the way to my house.
Morning confirmed that she was just a beautiful dream.
There was a knife where I kept my headphones.
At least today,
The lyrics would come in colour. I would butcher my skin,
To distract my insides.
I would bleed my veins,
To calm my mind.
Killing myself would be cliche,
Cutting myself makes me just another statistic.
Burning myself makes me just another criminal.
What will prove to you,
That a part of me just escaped the assylum of wanting to be alive?
That he glides through the walls of my heart,
Marking his desires with a rusty blade.
He hurts me,
And I suffocate trying to strangle him.
I sleep hoping I cut deep enough to allow me to die
I wake up
Only to realize,
Depression made me immortal.

-Benevolence of a violent curse _
Elliepoet ft Dvrkverse

Sorry it's been a while.
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