
20 5 0

It was my tears,
Drowning themselves into the deafness of your ears,
A waterfall,
Deep into the emptiness of your soul,
Sweet strangers,
Bitter memories,
Sour past,
As we soar past,
Emotion to lust,
And things that never last,
I claim you with my fangs,
Like lightning tearing through the thick clouds of your flesh.
As you mark me with your claws,
Scribbling forever onto the chocolate on my back,
You leave with the night,
As twilight,
Forgets about this one night,
With the moon glowing red,
A wolf,
Howled unto the crescent soul of a vampire.
I still trek the valleys,
Chasing the echo of your howl,
When your body twisted beneath mine in sinister pleasure.
Yours sincerely,

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