artsy fuckedupness

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That feeling,
Clutching at the place
Where your heart is supposed to be.
But your fingers,
Sink deep into the darkness.
Pain chews your guts,
And you can feel it's canines grind against your flesh.
Your breath grows louder,
The screams are dim.
The horrid creatures bang against your head,
Screaming for freedom,
For the volcano of your thoughts,
Is boiling their bone marrow.
Energy escapes your limbs.
Death is a heartbeat too far.
Sleep, is slowly butchered by the deranged screams collapsing in the dry tunnel of your throat.
You try to puke,
You only breathe faster.
You slice your skin,
But the blade is too blunt.
The pills are expired,
The walls only make your nose break.
But the air of life still reaches your lungs.
The blood pauses at your eyebrows.
You're an immortal masterpiece.
Why won't death come?
Yes have a few matches,
But where's the gasoline.
Your mind's a lighter,
But the world isn't a bomb.
Everyone you loved already killed you.
So why the hell is it so hard to kill yourself?
You jump off the building,
And hope you can't fly,
But you carry a blade,
Incase the wings get in your way to freedom.
You wake up in a hospital bed.
But like a bomb,
There's wires in and out of your body.
You pull the right one,
And explode into the end of life.
The beginning of paradise.
You're just as crazy as I was.
Now we can be normal here,
Where everyone is blind to our scars,
And we are deaf to the pain.

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