Draining away (heartbreak )

13 3 1

All alone
Curled up on the couch
Can't go to bed coz that's where all the good memories of you linger
Charger blinking
My eyes wide awake
Phone charged so I can text you
The millionth time though the blueticks will keep telling me what you mean.
I used to be happy.
I had dreams.
Now I can barely remember what it's like to smile.
I can't feel the pulse of determination, putting my dreams on paper and waking up to breathe life into them.
All I see is your leviathan magnificence
Pearl black hair
Puppy eyes
I can feel myself more,
These tears slowly sail my body across the thin membrane to the other life.
      ~inspired by  the line "drain the pool am sinking fast"(MGK)and some gruesome occurrences
     _draining away_

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