The dancer

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She stretched her hand out into the sky
As if she was pulling the sun's rays into her palms.
Her legs moved with such grace,
And there was beauty in the chaos of her unmeasured steps. There was no music,
But her dress had the prettiest whirlpool every time she spun.
Her hips swayed with a majestic motion
Hypnotic to the eye
Seductive to the soul.
She was like a star,
Only obsession could reach
Away she danced into the sunset
Till she was a silhouette echoing the fading horizon.
She blew a kiss
She blew my mind
She skipped away into the night
I skipped a heartbeat
The next day,
Only a few drunken love rhymes on the wall behind where she performed were left.
And a throbbing lump in my heart.
One sad poet's heart wasn't trophy enough.
Onto the next city she went
On and on
The show never stops
      The dancer


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