high there (art of your body )

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Your moans
Are opium to my ears.
I close my eyes
Just to see where this is going.
The fall of your clothes
Is the ecstasy that elevates my soul above the stars
Drunk on your whispers,
As you beg me to take your soul to Valhalla with my touch
Begging me to fill all the places your flesh couldn't.
There's a psychedelic touch to your stare
You bend my reality
As I bend through your curves.
The way we move is psychonarcotic
Wild as the hunger pumping through our veins.
Either way
No means yes
And you make me high
When you get on top.
Cloud nine
Darling you're the pill that never leaves my mouth.
Even after the morning takes you away from me,
You're the MaryJane that sticks to my fingertips.


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