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I tried my best to imitate the person on the screen. Surprisingly Shawn was doing better than me, my mom was yelling motivation on the couch with the bowl of chips on her lap.
"Come on Maya, honey".
Thanks mom.
"You're gonna go down hunter!" I did a shimmy.
He also did a shimmy,"in you're dreams darling!".
There was a knocking at the door.
"Maya could you get that for me?".
"But mom?".
"I'll step in for you- SHAWN MOVE!" She hit him out of the way and started doing the slide.

I ran towards the door, throwing it open,"Hello, Hunters Residents. How may I help you?".
Lucas stared back at me, his eyes were wide.
I looked down at myself, I looked fine,"Huckleberry?".
"Maya,uh I-".
He was panting, sweat patches and rain drops covering his clothes and hair.
"I need your help" he finished.
I arched my eyebrows and stepped aside letting him in, closing the door after me.

"HELLO LUCAS!" My mom smiled, she was sat on Shawn who was looking quite sorry for himself on the floor.
"You beat him mom?".
"Whipped his ass like a pro".
Lucas wasn't laughing, he was staring at Shawn with a troubled look.
He flinched,"what?".
I took his wrist and headed to my room, kicking open my door and throwing him in, shutting the door behind me and looked over at the boy. He looked like he'd just drown.

"What do you need my help for?" I folded my arms.
His visit was unexpected, when he started dating Riley, I tried to keep my distance- just to reassure her there was nothing going on. I wasn't pleased with this unexpected turn of events.
"I- I did something bad" he said shakily.
I laughed,"really? I find that hard to believe".
"And what's that supposed to mean?" He snapped.
I smirked,"calm down Heehaw. Now..." I jumped onto my pillow mounded bed,"spill the beans".
"You aren't taking this seriously are you?" He stressed.
I shook my head,"nope".
"Well you should-".
"Exactly" I nodded,"you need to tell me, there's only two outcomes here:I'm gonna laugh or I'm gonna call 911".
"Oh please don't do that!"his voice cracked mid-sentence.
"Oh now you have to tell me" I rubbed my hands together.

His chest was rising and falling deeply, he closed his eyes and I watched the movement of his throat as he gulped...damn.
"I got in a fight".
"So?" I shrugged,"people get in fights all the time-".
"Maya, this was different-".
"No, it's just a fight. If you want reassurance and comfort go to Riley-".
I stared, his fists had bashed onto the bottom of my bed, his fingers clutching tightly, like claws to the duvet.

I hadn't realised at first, but I'd ripped one of the pillows from the pile and was holding onto it like a scared child.
He breathed harshly,"it wasn't just one fight. It was a few".
He laughed, out of breath and stood up straight,"there's a lot of people in New York. There's just so many voices, I can't help but get angry, you know?".
My grip on the pillow loosened,"what do you mean?".
He rested his hands on the back of his neck,"Texas Lucas is back, I don't know why, I don't know how...".
"You can't go to jail for that, Ranger Rick"I put a smile on my face.
"You haven't called me that in a while" I stared as he passed back and forth,"do me a favour? Don't. It doesn't make this easy".
"I don't get it" I stood,"you came all the way here to tell me that you got in a couple of fights?".
"Why don't you go to Zay, to Farkle- Why don't you go to Riley-".
"I've knocked out three innocent people Maya!".
I stared, catching my breath. Tears were in his eyes.
"And I didn't stop to help them! I ran away! I ran away like my stupid dad! Like a freaking sissy!".
I didn't know what to do, I looked around then back at him,"So...".
He shook his head,"I'm just angry all the time...and I don't know why".
I let him take a moment, to let the redness ease a little from his face, so his arms stopped flexing with stress.
"How can I help?" I shrugged.
He looked up at me, his green eyes like water plants.
"Well, you've been getting good grades,your attitude has lightened. You don't pick on me anymore" he didn't look too happy with that last one,"I need to cut out of this, like you cut out of being irresponsibly rebellious".
"So like some sort of therapist?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I just don't want anyone else to know" he pleaded.
"I said fine, I'll try and snap you out of it"I frowned.
"Thank you!" He breathed.
I stared off out the window for a moment, not realising what I'd got my self into.

"I need to go" he said finally,"my moms probably freaking out".
"You didn't tell her you were leaving?".
"No" he shrugged.
I walked up to him and slapped him, he retaliated and looked back at me in shock.

Trash (Lucaya)(GMW)Where stories live. Discover now