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"You know you're insane".
Riley sighed, her eyes red from crying,"yes, I just, I didn't mean to yell. She looked so upset".
"She'd never do that to you Riles. Besides she's totally hooked up on Josh remember?".
"Right" she sighed,"my uncle".
I hugged her and sighed,"I'm sure Lucas will get better , I mean everyone has their 'phases'".
"What if this isn't a phase? What if he stays like this forever".
"You love him?".
"This isn't him!" She snapped,"but that doesn't mean I should blame Maya. Perhaps its Zays fault".
"Perhaps it's no ones fault" I corrected,"you don't need to blame someone for everything that happens. I've learnt that".
"I talked to Smackle" I shrugged,"she told me she didn't mean to hurt me, that what we had was good but it just sort of faded, you know? It was no ones fault, it just happened".
"Blaming people seems a lot easier" she frowned at me.
"Blame me if you want" I shrugged and lay down over her duvet staring at the same old ceiling,"I don't mind".
She looked back at me,"but you never do anything, your always a good friend".
"A change of scenery would be nice though" I arched my eyebrows,"you know, just for one time".
"Okay,okay,I'll try" she stared off then looked at me with a really bad excuse for an angry expression,"you're terrible Farkle".
I raised my eyebrows,"oh my".
"You're just so exasperating! I mean-" she broke down in a laugh and fell down next to me,"I can't" she smirked,"I just can't".
I raised the pitch of my voice,"I can't even".
"I do not speak like that!" She giggled.
"Yes ma'am"


I looked down at the suitcase, I was practically packing all my belongings. DONT WORRY IM NOT RUNNING AWAY!  Shawn booked a lovely holiday for a week in Hawaii- I honestly couldn't wait....I needed a break.

I opened my bedroom door and stared back at Lucas, letting him in.

"So did you speak to her?".
"I did" I shut the door and started twiddling my thumbs.
"Great!" He smiled,"thanks May-" he looked back at me,"are you okay?".
"It didn't go so well-".
"Have you been crying?" He reached out and stroked my face practically unconsciously.
I gently pushed his hand away,"she was mad at me, at you. I think you should just talk to her-".
"You know I can't do that!".
"I think it's the best thing-".
I pushed him,"snap out of it!".
He stared back at me with shock.
"We can't keep hanging out like this! It draws attention to us! Farkle was suspicious! Now Riley! Why can't you just leave me alone!?".
His mouth opened to say something but nothing came out.
"I can't lose Riley" I shook my head,"just talk to her" I nodded.
He looked at me, then walked out of the door.


Oh how desperate I was to get Maya back. So many things had happened.
Lucas had got in too many fights, Riley had cried too many times, the breakup was horrendous.

And here I was, sat in the infirmary with a pack of chips staring at my stupid friend.

"You're not gonna say anything?" Lucas asked.
"I've ran out of things to say" I ate another chip,"now if Maya was here she'd have quite a bit to say".
"What? That I'm a complete asshole who needs help?".
"No" Zay shook his head,"in fact scrap that,she'll probably just be disappointed".
"We're supposed to be the help. She's been sort of stressed about it. She goes on a nice relaxing vacation , comes back and your sat in the infirmary with your lips cut open".
"Do you think it'll fade?" He asked gesturing to the stitches.
"Nope" I shook my head," that's gonna leave a scare, your gonna look like some ruffian....oh wait, you already are one".
The doctor came in and stared at my chips,"aren't you concerned about your friend?".
"So what? I can't stress eat?".
"That's very bad for you".
"I'm hungry" I popped another chip into my mouth.
"So your not stressed?".
"Let me get back to you" I turned back to Lucas,"how did you get your lips cut open?".
"I was in a fight".
I turned back to the doctor.
"No, not one bit. I'm not even concerned".
"It's going to leave a scare" the doctor explained.
"Eh, it'll teach him a lesson" I waved his dominant expression off and headed out of the room and waited for Lucas, I took out my phone and hit 'call'.

Z:Hey My My , it's Zay
M:what's happened?
Z: are you in Hawaii?
Z:I'll let you appreciate the time your having, leave all this crap for- when are you coming back?
M:Tomorrow afternoon, why?
Z: Enjoy the moment you're having, take it all in , Satan is waiting for you when you get home.
M:I'm pretty sure that's not true
Lucas stepped out and looked at me, mouthing 'is that her?'.
Z:Look Maya, I know about the fight you and Lucas had
M: it wasn't really a fight, it was more of a furrow disagreement, in which I had the last say
Z: Well...well done. But just to let you know, Lucas is sorry , he feels guilty
M: What's he done? Why are you doing all the ass kissing?
I didn't know what to say,then I had a marvellous idea
Z: I hope the coconuts are nice

I turned to Lucas,"you better go buy the most expensive present and hand deliver it to Maya tomorrow".
"But she said she didn't want to see me-".
"Well I want to see her" I shrugged,"and you'll tag along like you always do, like a leach".
"That isn't nice-".
"You really can't say that with the position your in Frair- oh I remember now!".
I began walking and humming then, "I've gotta great grandson who's a hop along and a Ranger Rick and a Sundance too! Everybody! -"

I promise I know what I'm doing X


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