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I was walking from class with Riley when I told her that I was going to pop to the restroom and meet her in the cafeteria.

I was walking down to the girls toilets when I heard a bunch of yelling and chanting. In front of the toilets two boys were fighting, a gang of people around them.


I pushed the people out of the way and made my way towards the guy Lucas was fighting, pushing him into the wall. I turned back to the crowd,"Go on! Scram! There's nothing to see here!".
They walked away with disappointment written on their faces.
"Maya I-".
"Shut up" I grabbed his arm , walked a little then stopped and turned to the other guy,"don't you dare tell anyone about this, or I'll tell everyone what your nickname was in kindergarten".
He nodded quickly and rushed off.
"I didn't-".

"We'll talk about it later" I gulped and started walking towards the toilets.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"I need to pee, now shoo!".


"Maya!" Zay smiled,"invited me here to make up for that horrible thing you did to me?".
"I sat in your seat" I rolled my eyes,"whatever you want to consider this meeting is up to you, but I actually wanted to talk to you".
"Waw" he put his hand to his chest and sat down,"I-I'm truly flattered".
"It's about Lucas".
"I don't understand" he frowned,"why does everyone always want to talk about Lucas? What about me? What about his cute friend?".
"It's about his anger issues".
"Oh" he sat straight on the couch in Topangas,"I'm listening".
"He came to me the other night, said he needed my help. That his 'issues' had come back. He got in a few fights, and today he was disrespectfully blocking the toilet door with another one, which I- a short little girl has to stop-".
"So you admit it".
"Your a short stack of pancakes".
I smiled and grabbed Zay by his shirt,"I might not be able to get to Lucas with these threats, but if you ever call me that again, I will personally be hand painting your funeral picture within a few days".
He shrugged,"at least it would be high quality".
I gave up,"look, I need your help. I honestly have no idea how to help him".
He sighed,"okay I'll help you, help him get better".
"Thank you".
"I'll try" he said,"as I have tried before"
I nodded and stared around, silence.
"So......" I turned back to him,"what do we do now".
"We get smooth".


Turns out, Zays idea of 'smooth' was to get smoothies to go and ride through the city in his car with the roof down.
He handed me a pair of sunglasses and we were off.

Summer wasn't so interesting in the city, the sun beamed through the cracks of the tall buildings, and people walked around either completely wrapped up or wearing hardly anything at all. He was blasting Beyoncé and seemed to be having a whirl of a time, I couldn't help but smile. Zay was comical.

"Where are we going?" I asked.
"To pick up Lucas" Zay replied sipping his smoothie.
"Your not supposed to drink and drive" I noted.
"It ain't alcohol".
"Your not supposed to eat either".
"If we get in an accident then I'll pay your health insurance".
"Fair enough" I shrugged.
He stopped and hopped out of the car,"I'll be back in a bit, stay put".
"Yeah whatever" I rolled my eyes.
I noticed a scrawny boy with expensive clothes walking down the street. Farkle.
"Farkle! HI!".
"Maya?" He raised an eyebrow and walked up to the car,"what are you doing here?".
Think, Hunter, think.
"Zay took me to get some smoothies, we're gonna drop Lucas off at the football field and then we're off to the movies. You wanna come?".
Please say no, please say no.
"No thanks".
Hell yes.
"So are you and Zay, you know- together now?".
"No" I shook my head,"he's using me to get girls".
"How would that work?".
"Jealousy, my child, jealousy is a powerful thing".
"Also a very horrible thing" he nodded,"Anyways, I better leave you to it".
"Farewell sir Minkus the great".
"I don't want any nicknames, keep them for Lucas" he then disappears down the block, God knows where he was going.

"Okay okay okay" Zay walked back and got in the car, a very confused Lucas walked up the the vehicle and stared at us,"you two look like your gonna be in one of Nicki Minajs' music videos".
Zay cleared his throat.
"It ain't Nicki my son" he turned on the radio,"it's Queen Bee".
Lucas' eye twitched.
"Now get your ass in the honey mobile you pollen pod".
I turned to Zay "(that was crap) that was really poetic".
He smiled then pointed to the glove department,"open that, and hand one to Frair".
I clicked it open, my jaw dropping, it was full of tons of sunglasses.
"Zay Babineaux" I gasped.
"Shades" he nodded.
I grinned and handed one to Lucas.
"Just put them on hop along".
Zay drove for a bit, past the millions of people, he then pulled into the 'parking lot theatre' and sat back with a sigh.

"What are you doing?".
"Shhhhhh" Zay inclined,"I've been waiting to watch this for ages".
I waited for a moment until the title become obvious,"the good dinosaur?".
We waited for a few scenes then Zay turned around to Lucas,"what's up with you?".
"Maya here, tells me that you been' acting like trash again".
"Maya" he glared at me.
I shrugged,"you needed help, I needed help" I turned to Zay,"do you need help?".
"Look at my life and give me an answer" he replied then looked back at Frair,"why is this happening man?".
"I don't know" he shrugged,"it's just been stressful".
"Why?" I jumped in.
"I don't know!" He shrugged,"can you guys just help?".
A man walked up with some popcorn,"do you guys want some-".
"SHUT UP!" The blonde snapped.
Zay looked at me,"you may wanna go to church this Sunday".
"We'll need all of Gods faith to get through this one".

High guys!
Just wanted to note that this is their last year of Highschool.
Probably pointless to tell you that, I hope you like it!
Love ya!

-Ed🌸(I'm a girl btw😂)

Trash (Lucaya)(GMW)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя