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As soon as we'd gotten home Maya had went to her apartment and went to sleep.
Today was Lucas' football match, the last one of the season and his first one since a while ago.
Maya was fussing with banners. She's given us the football shirts to wear and made a banner to hold up for the team. She had war paint on and her hair was wild and falling around her face.
"Don't you think this is a little too much?" Zay asked.
"What?" She looked at him,"this is exactly enough".
"I feel uncomfortable" Riley frowned.
"Why? The shirt is wonderful!".
"So what are we supposed to do?".
"Scream" she nodded.

When Maya said she wanted us to scream, she meant it. It was almost the end of the game and she was yelling and clapping with enthusiasm. We were ten points up and that's all I really know.
"COME ON!" She yelled at the teens in the bulky armour.
Lucas took the ball.
I'd never saw someone that enthusiastic, she stood up on the railing, waving her banners,"COME O BABY!!!".
I turned to Zay,"baby?".
He shrugged raising his hands,"don't look at me".


We'd won, people ran down to the pitch to celebrate. Maya's eyes were wide as she looked at the excited teens, she grinned and ran with them.
"MAYA!" Riley followed.
I felt the air go out of my chest, I coughed and turned.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" It was Isadora, she looked...different. Her hair was cut into short waves and her glasses had disappeared, probably replaced by contacts.
I stared,"uh,no, it's fine".
She smiled and slid past me,"THANK YOU!!".
I noticed Farkle staring at me.
"I-I'm sorry".
He shook his head,"it's not my problem anymore. Knock yourself out" and he ran down the pitch with the others.
I could make out all the different situations , Maya on Lucas' shoulders, leaning down to talk to him. Riley joking around with Farkle.
I smiled and took off sprinting down to them.


Maya had decided that she wanted to celebrate at my moms place. So all five of us had flooded into Topangas full of energy.
Now? Not so much.
Maya, the leader of the 'Lucas Frair appreciation group' had collapsed on one of the couches, Farkle was conversing with Lucas over over a plate of cookies.
And Zay was walking towards me with a smile, he sat down next to me on one of the tables,"mind if we chat?".
I shrugged,"you can take your chances".
"You've been through a lot" he nodded.
I sighed,"yes, too much".
"Are you okay with it?".
"What's gone on? Everything?".
"It's nearly the end of High School" I shrugged,"I have to be okay. So I am okay".
"Are you sure?".
I smiled,"my best friend is happy" I put my hand on his arm,"so,so am I".


Topanga was about to lock up, it was dark outside and a slight chill swept in as Riley , Farkle and Zay walked out of the door.
I walked over to Maya's sprawled out body. I kneeled down and looked at her face.
I poked her,"Maya?".
I hit her lightly,"Maya!?".
I sighed and put my lips to her ear.
She head butted me and sprang up,"-HURRR!".
Suddenly her face looked annoyed,"why did you wake me? I was comfortable".
"It's late" I rubbed my forehead,"you have to go home".
Maya pouted,"It's too far!".
"But you need to-".
"Just leave me be" she threw herself back down.
I patted her,"Maya".
"Go away, Huckleberry".
"You need to go home".
"No" she said with a sleepy smile.
I sighed, rolling my eyes.
I looked at Topanaga, she'd almost finished. I looked back at the blonde, pushing her onto her back. I grabbed her arms, kneeling down slightly and pulling her onto my back. I struggled to find her legs but after a moment I managed to grip them.
I managed to get outside when I felt Maya shivering against me, the small sound of her teeth chattering by my ear.
"Are you cold?" I asked.
"No" she chattered.
I dropped her down, pulling off my hoodie and handing it to her.
She looked at it, with a glum face,"it's too much".
"I'll walk home" she waved me off and started walking down the side walk, she started subconsciously veering towards the road in a clumsy stance.
"MAYA!" I rushed up to her and pulled her away from the cars passing by.
I levelled my eyes with hers,"put your arms up".
"Just do it".
She sighed and did so.
I took the hoodie and slid it over her,I shuffled in my pocket and took out an elastic band.
I spun her around and gathered up her hair, putting it in a weird scrunch, I believe it was called a bun.
I spun her back around.
She was staring at me, her cheeks rosy. Thank god, she's warm.
She nodded silently, I hoisted her back onto my back and headed down the block.


We got to her apartment and I knocked on the door.
Katy answered.
"I believe this is yours" I set Maya down, she slumped over to her mother.
Katy put an arm around her,"yes I would think so, thank you".
"No problem" I smiled,"I better get going".
"Bye!" Katy waved.
"Lucas wait-".
I smiled at Maya then headed down the hall.

My mom turned to me,"what's wrong".
I looked down at the battered, faded, cream Clothing.
"He left his hoodie".

Of course this hasn't ended, Lucaya needs to happen first X

Also, let us pray for endgame! X


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