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I walked across the beach with Maya.
"This is so pretty" she mused.
"You could paint it" I agreed.
"Oh I'm going to" she smiled then frowned.
"What's wrong?".
"Nothing" she grabbed some driftwood and started making a trail behind her.


I walked along the sidewalk with Lucas.
We stopped at a shop full of TVs, it showed the football match.
"Their so good" he pondered.
"I bet you could do that" I encouraged.
"Oh I could" he smirked then went glum.
"What's up?".
"Nothing"he said, scuffing his shoes against the ground.


"Hey Maya?".
She was laying on the spare bed in her bikini, giggling at her computer screen.
"You're serious?".
"Yeah!" The voice answered.
"Who are you talking to?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Lucas" she shrugged.

I looked over at Lucas smiling and laughing at his computer.
"Who you talking to?".
"Maya" he turned to me with a shrug.
"Hey! Don't ignore me!".
"You said that without a nickname" he smirked,"that's an improvement".
There was a sigh,"sure thing, Bucky mc' boing boing".


Maya ran down the steps of the house and pointed to the beach.
"Look! Horses!".
"Yeah" I joined her,"they ride them on the beach sometimes".
She sighed,"Lucas would love this".
"Uh" I nodded,"yeah".
She turned to me,"oh well. Do you want to go get some food?".

"ZAY LOOK!" Lucas pointed towards a building,"ITS AN ART GALLERY!".
"Yeah" I nodded,"it's new they opened it a few days ago".
"Maya would love that" he smiled lousy-like.
I looked at him sideways,"yeah, she would".


I smiled at Farkle from across the table, restlessly waiting for my order.
"Hmm?" I sipped my drink.
"This is just a hunch you like Lucas?".
"Of course I like him" I shrugged,"we're friends".
My eyes widened,"no no no! I made a pledge to myself, I set him free back then and I'd never associate him in that way ever again!".
"So you did like him?".
"Oh I'm so hungry" I looked away,"do you think they could bring our food a little faster?".
"Don't change the sub- thank you".
The lady set down our plates.

I handed Zay his smoothie and sat down next to him.
There was silence for a moment.
"Yeah?" I looked up at Disney channel playing on the screen.
"I'm pretty sure I'm right but- do you like Maya?".
"She's my friend. No no no! She's the shortstack, the bully, the blonde beauty I could never-".
"So you do like her?".
"Oh my god their re running 'that's so raven'!".
"Don't change the subj- OH MY GOD THEY ARE!".

Some parallels X


Trash (Lucaya)(GMW)Where stories live. Discover now