Alison's House

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Emily's POV cont:
Alison hands me a paper with her number and address on it. Damn Fields. You're on a roll. I laughs at my own joke. "Thanks. I'll see you at 5." I say and smile. I then went to my next class. The rest of the day seemed to go by really slow. School ended at 1:30. I got in my car and went home. It was 1:35 p.m. I decided to go for a run for a few minutes. My mom was out of town too. She had to run something back to my Dad's base camp. She's gonna be gone for a few days. I changed into a sports bra and shorts. I tied my hair up and put my shoes on. I put in my ear phones and went running. I camp upon a trail near the woods. I went running through there. Then I went off of the trail to look around. I saw a huge rock. I sat on it and started to think. I git back up and started walking. I checked the time. Holy shit! 4:45?!? I have 15 minutes to get home and get ready. I ran home as fast as I could. I got home and changed. I drive to the address Alison gave me. I got in my car and started driving.

Alison's POV:
I checked the time and realised it was 4:45. Emily is gonna be here soon. I ran upstairs and changed into something a little revealing yet sexy. I don't know why. But I wanted to impress Emily. Sure enough 15-20 minutes later the doorbell rang. I opened it and saw Emily. She said hi then froze. Her eyes looked me over. I was trying hard to not bite my lip at how cute she looked. Wait. Oh my gosh. Stop. You're dating Noel. "Hey Emily." I said a little seductive. I didn't mean to. Just came out that way. She brought her eyes from my boobs to my eyes. "Hey." She smiled at me. I let her in and we sat on the couch. We started talking about the book. We read aloud sometimes. Or read it quietly. We discussed and started writing down our notes. I looked at the time. It was 8:30. "Hey, parents are out of town and I really don't want to be alone. Do you think you could stay until they get back?" I asked a little nervously. She looked at me and smiled. "Yeah. Of course. My mom is out of town too." I smile and thanked her. We decided to order pizza for dinner. Then we also decided to watch Netflix. We were looking through ever genre for a good movie. Nothing seemed to spark our interest. Then Emily pointed at the T.V and said "ooooo". I stopped. "Really Emily? Horror" I hate horror." I whined. She laughed. "Please. I'll protect you from the boogeyman." She said while laughing and tickling me. "Emily stop. Don't tickle me." I said angerly. She put her hands up surrendering. "Okay. Fine. I'll watch it." I pressed play on the remote. We finished eating and started watching the movie. It called "The Babadook". Emily is enjoying it while I'm jumping and squealing. "I'm so gonna get you back for this." I said evilly. Emily looked at me and saw I was scared. She pulled me into her and held me. She was so warm and cozy. I laid my head on her chest. I could hear her heart beating. And it was beating really fast. I wrapped my hands around her waist. It beat faster. Did I do that to her? I smiles to myself. I then payed my attention to the movie again. I jumped and hid my face in the crook of Emily's neck. The mom in the movie just snapped her dogs neck because the monster thing possessed her. I felt safe in her arms. She tightened her grip on me. I was even closer to her if that's possible. She pulled a blanket over us. My A.C turned on and t got really cold in the living room. I felt warm again. Emily was really hot. I could feel the heat rising on her body. I smiled again. I then out of no where kissed her neck. My eyes widened and I started to blush a deep shade of red. She looked at me. "I'm so sorry...I don't know why I just did that." I got off of her. She put her finger under my chin forcing me to look at her. We just stared at each other for about ten seconds. My heart was racing and my palms were so sweaty. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't get hated on. I went to get up and leave. She then grabbed me and pulled me back to her. She kissed me. It wasn't like when I kiss Noel. This wasn't sloppy or needy. It was soft and slow. It was really passionate. Like she didn't want to hurt me. I kissed back. Her finger left my chin and her hands traveled down to my waist. I snaked my arms around her neck still kissing her. It was taking every ounce of me not to smile and so far it was working. I felt a billion fireworks go off through out my body.

Emily's POV:
During the movie Alison kept jumping. She hid her face in my neck when the dog died. It was cute. And it was getting really cold so I threw a blanket over us. Then out of no where I felt a pair of lips on my neck. I was shocked. But I honestly enjoyed it. I wanted to feel more. She apologised and went to get up and leave. But I pulled her back to me. And then I kissed her. It was gentle. And passionate. It was the best kiss I ever had. I wrapped my hands around her waist while her arms went around my neck. My stomach was doing flips. It felt like I was in the olympics. (Heh. Get it. Cuz it's the Olympics Okay...) Air became a problem and I pulled away. My eyes were still closed as I breathed out. "Woah." Is all I could say. She pulled her arms away from my neck. But I left my hands on her waist. She replied with two simple words. "I know." It then got really awkward. Like fast. I changed the subject. "It's getting late. Do you want to head to bed?" I asked. She nodded. "Do you need any clothes to sleep in?" She asked. I nodded my head in response. She gave me a pair of shorts and a sports bra. "Is that okay or do you want an actual shirt?" She looked at me with her head tilted. "No this is okay." I then changed into the clothes not thinking about her benign there. I could feel her staring at me. I smirked to myself. I said to myself: "point. Emily." I asked her where I should sleep and luckily they didn't have a guest room. So we crawled into bed after she changed. I must admit. Her body is beautiful. She curled up next to me under the covers. She's wearing a sports bra and shorts too. She faced away from me as I faced away from her. She turned out the light on her table next to her. I turned around and faced her. I reached out for her body and pulled her closer to me. She didn't question it or move away from it. I had my hands on her stomach. I started rubbing small circles on it. She then placed her hands on top of mine. I heard her chuckle a little. I smiled. I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight Alison." I said softly. I heard her say it back and I soon drifted off to bed

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