Honey, I'm home.

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Alison's POV cont..:
I walked in the house and was shocked at what I saw. Candles and flower petals leading upstairs. I knew this had to be Emily. God she's so cute. I followed them slowly taking in everything she did. This was like a dream. They lead to my room. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I saw Emily sitting on my bed waiting for me. She stood up. She went to my dresser and grabbed the rose sitting on it. She gave it to me and I smiled. "Em..what is this?" I asked still smiling and looking at her. She grabbed my hands and took a deep breathe. "Alison Lauren DiLaurentis, since the day I met you I thought you were beautiful. Even though we got off on the wrong foot. I still thought about how adorable and cute you were. And then us kissing the same day we met. I felt a billion fireworks. And then the same after every we kiss we have ever shared. I don't know where we still stand. But k want you apart of my life and maybe have a future with you. Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled. Instead of answering her I just kissed her. She was smiling through the kiss. I wrapped my arms around her neck. Her hands slid from my face to my waist. It tickled a little. I pulled away for a second. Then I pecked her lips again. She then looked serious. "You could've just said no." I punched her arm. "Ouch! Hey! I was kidding." She smiled at me. "Yes. I will be your girlfriend. But I want to take things slow." I said a little nervous. She hugged me. "Okay. We will. One step at a time." Ugh. I'm so happy. Emily makes me happy.

Emily's POV:
The Alison DiLaurentis is my girlfriend. Not faking it this time. For real. She said she wanted to take things slow. Which is good. So I'm not going to kiss her as much. I don't want to rush anything or push her into doing something she doesn't want to do. I'll let her kiss me if she wants to. Alison wants me to meet her friends. The nice ones. Aria, Hanna, and Spencer. We are meeting at Spencer's. Which is right next door. We walked over and they greeted me. "Hi. I'm aria, this is Hanna and Spencer." She said smiling. She pointed at the blonde first then the tall brunette. "Hi." I said to all of them. We sat down in her living room talking. They asked about me and then asked about mine and Ali's relationship. They wanted me to sit with them at lunch. I accepted. I asked about them and I learned Aria likes to write and take pictures. Spencer bleeds caffeine and is a smarty pants. Hanna has shoplifted, her parents are divorced, band she crashed her exes car. Wow. These girls are so interesting.

Hanna's POV:
Emily seems so nice and sweet. I can tell she really makes Alison happy. She's not even trying to. I never pictured Alison as gay. Or even into girls. Well I don't care. As long as my best friend is happy. Aria and Spencer were talking to Emily and Alison. I was just sitting back to listen. Alison just kept staring at Emily. She would smile when Emily did. Their relationship is so cute. I thought Alison was kidding when she said her and Emily were together. No one thought the Alison DiLaurentis could be into girls. But I'm happy for her. She seems so happy. She's not mean anymore. The girls who wanted her to be are beyond pissed and Alison doesn't even care. Emily helped bring out this new side in her. She talked about how she's going to make amends with everyone she hurt. She's great. Emily has done an amazing job on bringing out this side of her.

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