Date Night Cont...

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Alison's POV:
It's 7:45 and Emily is running late. Maybe she fell asleep? Or forgot? I'll text her. To Emily: "hey, just wondering where you are. You should've been here by now. Did you forget? Are you okay? Let me know when you're on your way. See you soon! Xoxo" I hope she didn't forget me. I feel like a really needy girlfriend right now. And really clingy. But my dad left town again on business. And Jason...he's probably out with his stoner buddies.
1 hour later
I've been texting and calling Emily and nothing. Im just gonna drive to her house and make sure she's okay. Her mom left town for New York. They needed her for a case so Emily has been alone for a few days. I hope she's okay. As I'm driving I hear ambulances and police sirens. There's a car on the grounds that's been flipped. Funny that looks! I got out of the car and ran yelling. "EMILY!" A police man stopped me. "Ma'am. You can't go through here. I'm sorry." I was screaming and crying. I kept yelling for Emily. I see them trying to flip the car over again. I heard them talking. They had to wait hours for someone to come flip her car. Hours?!? She could be dead by now. Wait. No. Don't think that. Please don't. Wait she's been like this for hours? How could I be so stupid and not check on her. This is partially my fault. I see them pull a gernie to her car. I hear them yell "no pulse! Get me the paddles now and an oxygen tank." Everything after that was in slow motion. I felt my life crumbling down before my eyes. I broke down into one of the police officers arms. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. I could only cry and scream. " pulse." They said that same thing 10 times. Every time I can hear my heart break every time into more and more pieces. "Clear....pulse. We have a pulse." I stopped and I was able to breathe. They put her in the ambulance. I got out of the police mans grip and followed the ambulance crying. I sent a group message to Aria, Hanna, and Spencer. To group: S.O.S meet me at rosewood hospital now!! I threw my phone down crying. I pulled into the parking lot and ran to the front desk. I need to see Emily Fields. They just admitted her. "Ma'am I was just informed she needs surgery." A doctor stepped in. "You may see her when we are done and she's stable." I nodded and sat. Soon enough the girls walked in. I ran to them and hugged them. "Ali, what happened?" Spencer asked. "I don't know. I think Emily was in a car accident but here's no other car around here messed up. Her car was flipped and she was stuck like that for hours. They had to keep using the paddles on her and they kept using them until they got a pulse. They said no pulse about 12 times. And it's just awful." I broke down again thinking about it. They all held me up and comforted me. We all sat down. Hanna, Spencer, me, and then aria. I leaned on aria and she was rubbing my back. I fell asleep while still crying. I woke up from screaming. My mind replayed everything over and over. Aria held me "hey. It's okay. You're okay." I was breathing fast. I felt like I couldn't breathe at all. Like all the oxygen was sucked from my body. About half an hour later a doctor came out. "Emily Fields?" He said. We all stood up. "How is she?" I asked nervously, scared of his answer. "I'm afraid your friend is in a coma. We have done everything we can. It's her turn now." I started to tear up along with the rest of the girls. "May we see her?" He nodded. "Yes. But one at a time." He walked away. "Go Ali, we will wait for you. Go see her." I ran to her room after asking what room she was in. I looked at her and started crying. She has cuts and bruises all over her face. I walked over to her bed and held her hand. "Emily...I don't know if you can hear me..but I love you. So much. I'm so sorry I didn't check on you earlier. I know if you were here you would tell me not to blame myself. But I'm your girlfriend. I'm supposed to make sure you're okay. You have to pull through for us Emily. For me. For your mom and dad. I called them. They're on their way home. It might be awhile but they'll be here. I love you Emily Fields..." I started crying again. A lot. I kissed her forehead. Her pulse got really high and her heart are monitor started beeping. Nurses and doctors fled in. Asking me to leave the room for a minute. I started crying. What did I do? After 5-10 minutes they left and said I can go back in. I did and talked to her again. "I'm gonna go home Emily. I'm sorry. I hate to leave you. But I'll be back first thing in the morning. Visiting hours are almost up. I'll see you then my beautiful princess." As I was leaving her parents came in. "Pam...Wayne. How'd you get here so fast?" I asked shocked. "I called in a favor from the military." Wayne said. "What happened?!?" Pam asked crying a little. "Her car was flipped...there was no other driver around. No one to blame. Hit and run. She's in a coma..." My heart broke saying those words. Pam and Wayne ran to her room. I heard Pam crying..I got in my car and drove home. The other girls stayed there to make sure her parents left and were okay. I got home and went to bed crying. I occasionally woke up from having the same nightmare over and over.

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