Coming Home

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Emily's POV:
It's been a week since I was raped again by Noel Kahn. Ali has been so supportive and patient with me. It feels nice having someone who really loves me. My bite mark is going away faster than expected. Which is great. I told Ali it was time to head back. We got in her car and drove to my house. My parents greeted me and asked what happened. I told them everything even Alison saving me. They thanked her. And i talked to them about moving in with Alison. They said it was okay but until then Alison could stay with us. They made us lunch and promised not to bring it up and I didn't have to talk about it to anyone. They told me I could take a few more days off of school if needed. Alison and I went up to our room. We sat on the bed and I reached over for her hand. I interlocked our fingers together and stared at our hands and smiled. "What?" She asked. "Nothing. I'm just happy. Thank you for everything Ali. You saved me. You brought me home. You helped me. Thank you. I love you." I pulled her closer to me. "I love you Emily." I kissed her temple. Ali's phone rang. It was her dad. "No. No dad. I'm not coming home. And if I do I'm getting my things and I'm leaving." She hung up. "We can go tomorrow while he's at work to pack your things. And that means everything. Even the bed. And the furniture in your room. We can store it in the basement." She smiled at me and nodded.

Next Morning

Alison's POV:
I woke up in Emily's arms and I smiled. God. I can't get use to this. I kissed her cheek and laid back down. After a minute she started to stir and and open her eyes. I pretended to be asleep. She leaned down and kissed my cheek. Then my lips. I immediately cupped her face and kissed back. I rolled us over so I was on top of her. I straddled her waist. She pulled away. "Somebody sure woke up rather quickly." I laughed and got off of her. "Cmon Em. It's time to get my things." I nodded and we both got dressed. Emily's dad came to help us. Everything was packed in less than an hour. We brought everything back to Emily's and put it in the basement. "Thank you Mr.Fields. I appreciate this." He hugged me and kissed my head. "Call me Wayne. You're like a daughter to me already." I smiled. He went to get ready for work. He had to go back to Texas. They needed him for an assignment. Pam made lunch and we ate and made small talk. I'm so thankful for this wonderful family to take me in as there own. And to allow Emily and I to move in together.

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